Page 12 - MMC Ports Newsletter - 2022 JULY - SEPTEMBER ISSUE
P. 12


           PORTS’ KEY HSE

           INITIATIVES 2022

              PORT OF TANJUNG PELEPAS                                       NORTHPORT
           •  Succesfully hosted PTP Safety Day 2022     •  Conducted a visit to Fasiliti Inovasi Kitar Semula, Putrajaya
            with the theme “We Learn & Adapt”.            on 11 August 2022. The objective of the visit was to learn
            The event was jointly launched by             about recycling and waste solutions from Alam Flora Sdn Bhd.
            Osman bin Isa, Deputy Director of             The session also included a tour of the Integrated Recycling
            Department of Occupational Safety             Facility, anaerobic digester, Knowledge Hub, 3R  Boutique,
            and Health (“DOSH”) Johor and Marco           Pusat Kitar Semula, Koc Kreatif and Koc Ilmu.
            Neelsen, Chief Executive Officer of PTP in     •  Participated  in  Malaysia-Australia  Dialogue  Series  on
            an opening ceremony held at the port.         Combating Marine Plastic Solution 2022 organised by
            In addition to the launching ceremony,        the Maritime Institute of Malaysia on 10 August 2022 and
            the one-day celebration included exhibition   from 14 to 15 September 2022. The dialogue series aimed
            booths set up by various Government           to explore solutions in combating marine plastic pollution,
            agencies such as DOSH, Ministry of            improving waste management and establishing a circular
            Health, Social Security Organisation and      economy.
            by PTP employees, as well as health          •  Conducted  the  Integrated  Management  System  (“IMS”)
            screenings, blood donations, food trucks      Internal Audit for ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management
            and Zumba session in the evening.
                                                          System and ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and
              The programme also covered numerous         Safety Management System from 12 until 27 September
            engaging activities such as Safety Video      2022 to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation
            Competition, Safety Gemba and Health          of both management systems at Northport terminal.
                                                         •  Participated  in  Antwerp  &  Flanders  Port  Training  Centre
           •  Launched  the  environmental  initiative    (“APEC”) Seminar on Port Logistics organised by Port of
            of Less Single-Use Plastic which bans         Antwerp Bruges. The seminar was held virtually from
            plastics at PTP Convenience Shop and          29 August to 23 September 2022. The programme covered
            Cafes effective 1 September 2022.             five modules: Supply Chain Management, Port Efficiency

           •  Launched  the  environmental  initiative    & Competitivity, Hinterland Connectivity, Digitisation and
            of Used Fabric Collection Campaign on         Corporate Social Responsibility.
            15  August  2022.  The  objective  of  this
            initiative is to protect the environment by
            recycling used fabric instead of disposing                     PENANG PORT
            at landfills.
                                                         •  Implemented Sistem Keselamatan dan Aspek Keselamatan
                                                          to increase employee awareness of compliance with safety
                       JOHOR PORT                         aspects.
                                                         •  Occupational,  Safety,  Health  and  Environment  Section
           •  Implemented the new Online U-See-U-Act      conducted an engagement session with Free Commercial
            Reporting System effective on 25  July        Zone warehouse tenants and the stevedore company for
            2022.                                         an Occupational, Safety and Health Management System
           •  Developed  Port  Assess  Management         information session  and learning about the  company
             System - fully online system for security    registration with  My Kesihatan Keselamatan Pekerjaan
             and safety  services  i.e., safety briefing,   (“MyKKP”) DOSH.
             entry port pass application and payment     •  Port’s  Safety  &  Port  Police  Induction  and  Toolbox  was
             for the services.                            conducted to all port users.
           •  Established  ESG  steering  committee  to   •  Organised  Refresher  Course  to  those  who  commit  safety
            oversee the management of ESG initiatives     offences and cultivate safety specifically toward all drivers
            and activities.                               and stevedores in the terminal.
           •  Organised an E-Waste Recycling Campaign    •  The production of safety videos to promote a safety culture
            2022 involving employees as part of the       to all port users.
            ESG initiatives and in line with Green Port   •  ISO  45001:2018  awareness  training  for  its  employees
            Policy commencing from 1 August to            and to port users, especially on Hazard Identification,
            30 September 2022.
                                                          Risk Assessment and Risk Control.
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