Page 6 - MMC Ports Newsletter - 2022 JULY - SEPTEMBER ISSUE
P. 6


          FEATURE STORY:

                                      LAUNCHING PROGRESSIVE INITIATIVES
           On top of utilising green innovations and equipment, MMC and its affiliates launched a variety of eco-driven
           initiatives and practices, as detailed here:

            Development of Environmental, Social, and           Reducing Carbon Emission
            Governance (“ESG”) Framework and Strategies
            at MMC Ports                                       PTP is committed to reducing its carbon emissions
                                                               on Scope 1 (direct emission) and Scope 2 (indirect
           All ports under MMC are collectively developing     emission), with PTP targeting to reduce 45% of
           ESG framework and strategies, which will  help      its carbon emissions by 2030 to align with Paris
           formally respond to external stakeholders’ ESG      Agreement.
           expectations as well as meet carbon emission
           benchmarks and goals set forth by both the Malaysian   Recyling Programmes
           Government and the Paris Agreement.
                                                               PTP is collaborating with SWM Environment Sdn
            Water Sustainability Measures                      Bhd to establish its own community recycling centre.
                                                               This is to encourage its tenants and the local
           Johor Port and Northport have both introduced water   community  to  recycle  their  waste  and  earn  rewards
           monitoring and conservation measures in an effort to   simultaneously.
           reduce water wastage.
                                                               Northport has continuously held its Reduce, Reuse and
           Johor Port and Northport have taken steps to
           more accurately log Non-Revenue Water (“NRW”),      Recycle (“3R”) or  Ayuh Kitar Semula programme  to
           which is water that is produced but lost or becomes   promote environmental awareness among employees
           unaccounted for due to pipe leakages, reservoir     through  reducing,  reusing  and recycling of used
           overflow, meter under-registration, and more.       materials. Since 2018, Northport has collected
           This was done through the deployment and installation   more  than  177  tonnes  of  recyclable  items  which  has
           of multiple loggers, which accurately identifies leak   generated proceeds used to fund its CSR activities.
           positions and correlations.
                                                                Environmental Impact Assessment
           Northport has set up a Rainwater Harvesting System   (“EIA”) Implementation
           with an approximate capacity of 800 gallons.        All new projects under Northport moving forward will
           This system is designed to collect and store rainwater   be assessed in line with an EIA. Essentially, EIA is an
           to provide irrigation for the surrounding landscape,    environmental decision support tool that explores
           as well as reduce the need for a clean water supply    and considers the potential environmental, social,
           for general cleaning purposes.
                                                               and health impacts of development projects before a
                                                               proposed project is authorised.

          Electrified Rubber Tyred Gantry cranes at Northport.
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