Page 13 - MMC Ports Newsletter - 2023 JANUARY - MARCH_ISSUE
P. 13

2023 JANUARY - MARCH ISSUE         13

          AND DELEGATION                                       AREA MANAGING DIRECTOR, SOUTHEAST ASIA AND
          PTP  received  a  familiarisation  visit  by  SUM  Global,
          South Korea and delegation to PTP. The delegation,   The delegation was given an in-depth presentation on PTP’s
          accompanied by representatives from Albukhary Foundation,   operational performance, the Port’s beginnings and current
          was given an in-depth presentation on PTP’s operational   progress with its on-going development, and the contribution
          performance, the port’s beginnings and current progress     of the port industry towards the nation’s economic growth.
          with its ongoing developments, and the contribution of the    This familiarisation visit was part of PTP’s stakeholder
          port industry towards the nation’s economic growth.
                                                               engagement programme aimed at strengthening bilateral
          Also invited to present updates on their respective businesses   relations between PTP and its customers, while also exploring
          were  Mohd  Kopli  Yunus,  Plant  Manager  of  Malakoff  Tanjung     business and investment opportunities for both parties.
          Bin and Gan Seng Keong, CEO of Senai Airport City Sdn Bhd.
          A day earlier, the delegation also visited Johor Port where   BENCHMARKING VISIT FROM KAPAR ENERGY VENTURES
          they  were welcomed and briefed by Edwin Gerard Louis    SDN BHD
          Rosary, Head of Operations for the tour in Johor Port.
                                                               Northport received a benchmarking visit from Kapar Energy
                                                               Ventures  Sdn Bhd. During the  visit, Northport’s CEO,
          VISIT BY MAERSK LED                                  Dato’  Azman  Shah  Mohd  Yusof  briefed  the  guests  on
          INTERNATIONAL PRESS                                  Northport’s operations, performance and the current Health
          PTP hosted a Maersk-led                              and Safety procedures practised by the terminal.
          International Press familiarisation
          visit  to  PTP.  Headed  by  Rainer
          Horn,  Maersk  Senior  Press                         WORKING VISIT BY RAFFLES UNIVERSITY
          Officer, the visit to PTP was                        PTP welcomed an official working visit by Raffles University to
          part  of Maersk’s press  trip to                     the port. The delegation was given an in-depth presentation
          its affiliated terminal and facilities within Southeast Asia.     on PTP’s business and operational performance along with
          Various international media including Bloomberg, CNBC,   current and future developments by Marco Neelsen, CEO of
          Llyod’s Lists, and others were brought to view the progress    PTP. They were then brought for a tour of the terminal and
          and performance of the respective facilities and PTP.  were given an on-site briefing at PTP’s very own Smart
                                                               Technology  Lab,  Consumable  Vending  Machines  and  Asset
          BILATERAL VISIT FROM NIGERIA’S COMPREHENSIVE         Digitalisation Room.
                                                               FAMILIARISATION VISIT BY AMBASSADORS OF THE EU
            Northport received a study visit from Nigeria’s CISS Technical   MEMBER STATES IN MALAYSIA
          Committee. The delegation consisted of 23 officials from the
          Nigerian Government and four officials from the organiser,     PTP was honoured to receive ambassadors of the EU
          Tujuh Warisan Sdn Bhd. The visit aimed to provide a   Member States in Malaysia for a familiarisation visit to the
          comprehensive understanding of the processes in the port   port. Welcomed by Marco Neelsen, CEO of PTP and other
          and  customs  management  procedures  as  well  as  to boost     Senior Management members, the visit was part of its
          the bilateral trade relationship between Malaysia and Nigeria.  stakeholder engagement programme that aimed to strengthen
                                                               bilateral relations and explore future collaborations.

                                                               APAC-NAVIS USER’S GROUP (NUG) CONFERENCE
                                                               PTP hosted the NUG Conference held at Fraser Place,
                                                               Puteri Harbour from 28 February to 1 March 2023.
                                                               More than 80 port users across the Asia Pacific congregated
                                                               to share knowledge and discuss the future trends of using
                                                               Navis’s terminal operating system. Throughout the event,
          COURTESY VISITS BY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES       PTP presented its very own terminal optimisation journey
          Penang  Port  welcomed  YB  Tuan  Steven  Sim  Chee  Keong,   and showcased its award-winning RTG-Optimisation project.
          Deputy Finance Minister II and Tuan Hamisan bin Kalip,   Participants of the conference were also brought to PTP’s
          Director of Penang Customs Department at North Butterworth   terminal for an on-site sharing session.
          Container Terminal. During the courtesy visit, the delegations
          were briefed on the port’s operation and taken on a port tour
          for an in-depth experience of the port’s operations and facilities.   BRIEFING ON THE PORT RECEPTION FACILITIES (PRF)
                                                               Johor  Port  welcomed  YB  Dato’  Asman  Shah  Abd  Rahman,
          WORKING VISIT BY KEDAH STATE GOVERNMENT              Mayor of Pasir Gudang City Council for a briefing on the PRF.
          SECRETARY AND DELEGATION                             The briefing aimed to provide the latest update and progress
                                                               of the PRF for Scheduled Waste storage management that
          PTP  welcomed  an  official  working  visit  by  YB  Dato’  Haji   will be developed by the Johor Port and to obtain feedback
          Norizan  Bin  Khazali,  Kedah  State  Government  Secretary   from the City Council. With the objective of enhancing
          and delegation. Accompanied by Dato Lim Edin Non,     environmental  quality, the establishment  of PRF  as a
          Senior Advisor of Albukhary Group and delegation, the visit   waste management centre is in compliance  with the EQA
          to PTP by various Kedah State Government agencies was to   Regulation 1974 to appropriately handle scheduled waste by
          gain  more  information  on  related  processes,  procedures  and     observing proper dumping practices to combat pollution and
          to benchmark successful high-impact project developments
          under MMC Group such as PTP, ATB-Vitol and Malakoff.  contamination problems.
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