Page 16 - MMC Ports Newsletter - 2023 JANUARY - MARCH_ISSUE
P. 16
– Quarter 1, 2023
• Organised PTP ESG Day on the 21 February with • Launched the Hand Finger Awareness Campaign.
the launch of PTP’s Sustainability Framework and • Engagement with stakeholders on Dangerous Goods
signing of two Memorandum of Understandings with Surveillance Initiative.
SWM Environment and Johor National Park.
• Launched and implementation of Vessel Safety
• Launched PTP Community Recycling Hub in Inspection Apps 2.0.
collaboration with SWM Environment on 21 February.
• Conducted the Quarterly Incident Analysis on • Risk Review on Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment
4 January 2023. and Determining Control on 21 March 2023.
• Conducted the Safety Moment Session on • Organised Scheduled Waste Awareness training on
28 February 2023 and 21 March 2023. 20 March 2023.
• Conducted the Emergency Response Plan training • Organised Fire Prevention Awareness Programme on
on 15-16 January 2023 and 16-17 February 2023. 29 March 2023.
• Conducted the Basic Fire Fighting training on • Conducted Fire Evacuation Drill on 30 March 2023.
25-26 February 2023.
• Participated in the Carbon Footprinting and Reporting • Participated in The Star ESG Impact Positive Awards
for Organisation Webinar organised by the Malaysian 2022 under the environment and governance
Institute of Accountants together with the Business awards category. The summary content for the
Council for Sustainable Development Malaysia award was submitted on 1 March 2023. This is
(BCSD) on 17 January 2023. The session provided an annual event that recognises companies and
the participants with an introduction to climate organisations that have demonstrated a commitment
change, GHG accounting, carbon management and to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
energy management as well as carbon reduction. principles in their operations and activities.
• Established a Procurement of Environmentally • Conducted Mega OSH Toolbox Talk for Facilities
Friendly Products and Equipment Policy on and Equipment Maintenance Division and Terminal
18 January 2023. The policy was established with Operations Division on 16 February 2023 and
the aim of encouraging the Company to purchase 17 March 2023. The programme marked the
products or hire services that are less harmful to launch of ‘100 Days Zero LTI’ for both divisions.
the environment. The programme provided the opportunity for the
• Received a benchmarking visit from Kapar management to share important safety information
Energy Ventures Sdn Bhd on 3 February 2023. and instil awareness among all employees.
During the visit, Northport’s Chief Executive Officer, • Embarked on an Integrated Management System
Dato’ Azman Shah Mohd Yusof briefed the guests (IMS) through the integration of two management
on Northport’s operations, performance and the systems comprising of the ISO 45001:2018
current HSE procedures practised by the terminal. Occupational Health & Safety Management System
• Participated in the 63 British Safety Council and ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System.
International Safety Awards 2023. The summary The certification surveillance audit exercise was
content for the award was submitted on 10 February conducted by LRQA (previously known as Lloyd’s
2023. The award is a prestigious programme that Register) auditors from 20 to 24 March 2023.
recognises organisations for their outstanding
commitment to protecting the health and safety of
their employees and stakeholders.