Page 4 - MMC Ports Newsletter - 2023 JANUARY - MARCH_ISSUE
P. 4


          Safety and Security

          in Port Operations

          With all ports being vital trade gateways located along one of the world’s
          busiest straits, the upkeep of the security and safety standards stand as a
          top focus at the forefront of MMC Ports’ plans.

          Security and safety risks have     Recognising this need, all MMC     the wellbeing of all stakeholders
          always been pressing concerns      Ports are continuously dedicating   present in line with international
          for the maritime industry due to   resources to enhance their terminal   standards set. The most recent
          the various logistical challenges   security capabilities, bringing in   statistics and additions related
          it  presents.  The  ports’  position  as   the latest industrial innovations,   to  safety  and  security  in  port
          Malaysia’s key trade hubs vital to   infrastructure and personnel needed   operations are exemplified in the
          the national economy carries a     to safeguard their premises and    following sections:
          variety of challenges, some of which
          include having to patrol a large area
          with multiple entries and access
          points, managing high activity levels,
          accident prevention in machine
          operations, halting evolving cyber
          risks,  smuggling  activities  and  a
          variety of other problems.

          With these risks in mind, the upkeep
          of security and safety standards is
          an absolute necessity to prevent
          operational disruptions and secure
          a clean supply chain at all ports,
          with the constant need to implement
          and update measures while
          also  maintaining  a  level  of  port
          accessibility  seamlessly  for all  port
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