Page 18 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
P. 18

16     About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis


            Explanatory Notes:                                      Re-election of Mr Surinderdeep Singh a/l Mohindar Singh as a
                                                                    Director of the Company
            a.  Agenda No 1
                                                                    (i)  He has a relevant mix of experience, skill, knowledge, expertise
               This item is meant for discussion only. The provisions of Section 340(1)(a)   and  core  competency  that  is  beneficial  to  the  Company,
               of the Act require that the audited financial statements and the Reports   including human resource and development, accounting and
               of the Directors and Auditors thereon be laid before the Company at   finance, internal controls, corporate governance and information
               its AGM. As such, this Agenda item is not a business which requires a   technology;
               resolution to be put to vote by shareholders.
                                                                    (ii)  He  has  a  good  understanding  of  the  duties,  obligations  and
            b.  Ordinary Resolutions No 1, No 2 and No 3               responsibilities as a director and provide useful recommendations
               Article 81(c) of the Constitution of the Company provides that one-third   in assisting the Board for a better decision making; and
               (1/3) or the number nearest to one-third (1/3) of the Directors for the   (iii)  As the Chair of the BNRC, he leads BNRC’s annual evaluation of
               time being, shall retire from office at the conclusion of every annual   the Board composition to ensure that it has the appropriate size,
               general meeting, provided always that all Directors shall retire from office     balance and composition of the Board, the required mix of
               at least once in every three (3) years, but shall be eligible for re-election.   skills, experience and other qualities, the independence of
               As the Board currently consists of six (6) directors, two (2) directors,     the  Independent  Directors,  Board  diversity  in  terms  of  gender
               i.e. Mr Wang, YouDe and Mr Surinderdeep Singh a/l Mohindar Singh,   and age, and consideration of the Fit and Proper assessment,
               shall retire in accordance with Article 81(c) at the upcoming AGM.  and core competencies which the Directors shall bring to the Board
                                                                       to ensure that they are in line with the Company’s requirements.
               In addition, Article 81(h) of the Constitution of the Company provides
               that any Director appointed during the year shall hold office only until   Re-election of Ms Li, XiaoXia as a Director of the Company
               the next AGM and shall be eligible for re-election. Ms Li, XiaoXia was
               appointed as Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company on   (i)  She has a relevant mix of experience, skill, knowledge, expertise
               8 December 2023, and she has offered herself for re-election at the     and  core  competency  that  is  beneficial  to  the  Company,
               65  AGM.                                                including banking, economics and finance, internal controls,
                                                                       risk management and human resource and development;
               In  consideration  of  the  three  members  of the  Board  Nominating  and
               Remuneration Committee (“BNRC”) will retire at the 65  AGM   (ii)  She has good understanding of the roles, duties and obligations of
               and have abstained  from  participating  in  deliberations  and voting,   a director, adds value to board meetings and takes initiative to
               the  Board (save for the  three  retiring  Directors) have  discussed and   request for more information; and
               considered  the following aspects to  determine the eligibility of each   (iii)  She sufficiently identifies principal financial risks that may have a
               Director who stand for re-election at the 65  AGM:      considerable impact on the Company and set the risk appetite
                                                                       to ensure that there is an appropriate risk management framework
               (i)  The tenure of the Director and the Company’s Directors’ Rotation   to identify, analyse, evaluate, manage and monitor significant
                                                                       financial and non-financial risks.
               (ii)  The Director’s performance, based on results of the Board
                  Effectiveness Assessment for the year 2023 (“BEA 2023”) which were   c.  Ordinary Resolution No 4
                  conducted using peer and self reviews;            The Company has received a Notice of Nomination dated 15 April 2024
               (iii)  Fit  and  Proper  assessment  on  the  Director’s  integrity,  expertise,   from its major shareholder, Malaysia Hengyuan International Limited,
                  knowledge, experience and core competencies as well as the time   nominating KPMG PLT, as auditors of the Company for the financial
                  commitment;                                       year ending 31 December 2024 in place of the outgoing auditors,
                                                                    PricewaterhouseCoopers PLT. The proposed change of auditors is
               (iv)  The  Director’s independence criteria as set out in the Listing    to ensure a more coherent  and efficient external audit process  as the
                  Requirements; and                                 holding Company is engaging KPMG PLT.
               (v)  The Director’s level of contribution to the Board, taking into account       The Board Audit Committee and Board of Directors have considered
                  the key business strategies.
                                                                    the profile, adequacy of the resources, experience and fee proposal
               On 26 March 2024, the Board (save for the three retiring Directors)   of KPMG PLT, and recommended the nomination of KPMG PLT as
               discussed and supported the re-election of the retiring Directors, with the   auditors of the Company.
               following justifications:
                                                                    KPMG PLT’s appointment as the auditors of the Company is subject to
               Re-election of Mr Wang, YouDe as a Director of the Company  the approval of the shareholders at the 65  AGM. The proposed
                                                                    Resolution No 4, if passed, KPMG PLT shall hold office until conclusion
               (i)  He has a relevant mix of experience, skill, knowledge, expertise     of the next annual general meeting of the Company.
                  and  core  competency  that  is  beneficial  to  the  Company,
                  including  industry  specific  knowledge  and  oil  and  gas  business      A copy of the Notice of Nomination is annexed as “Appendix A” in the
                  strategy, project management and engineering, contracting and   Company’s Annual Report 2023.
                  procurement, human resource and development, internal control
                  and risk management;
               (ii)  He demonstrates and commands effective leadership of the Board,
                  oversees  effective  decision-making  process  and  ensures  crucial
                  alternatives are considered; and
               (iii)  He aims to ensure that the Board’s workload is appropriately
                  managed and, where suitable, allocated to established Board
                  Committees with specific terms of reference approved by the Board.
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