Page 6 - HRC_Annual_Report_2023
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4      About HRC                 Value Creation            Management Discussion     Leadership
                                                                  & Analysis


                                                                     Dear Shareholders,

                                                                     Within a year challenged by volatility
                                                                     in oil prices, continued supply chain
                                                                     disruptions and an evolving energy
                                                                     landscape, Hengyuan Refining Company
                                                                     Berhad (HRC or the Company) focused on
                                                                     sustainable growth through turnaround
                                                                     and enhancements in transformation.

            KEY FY2023 HIGHLIGHTS              This successful commissioning and smooth   SUSTAINING SAFE WORKPLACE
                                               operation of E4M has benefited HRC by   AND MINDSETS
            The 2023 major Turnaround activity (TA 2023)   increasing site margins.
            was the year’s key highlight, whereby the                             Safety is paramount in our operations.
            refinery was in a temporary suspension mode   Together  with  these  operational  In the dynamic and intricate environment
            to enable activities such as maintenance,   achievements, in 2023 HRC received two   of a refinery, prioritising safety isn’t just a
            inspections, repairs, and upgrades to   prestigious awards that recognises the   commitment; it’s a responsibility. Our refinery
            production assets and equipment to be   effectiveness  of our sustainable  initiatives.   has steadfastly adhered to the highest
            carried out, in ensuring reliable, sustainable   The first being the Prime Minister’s Hibiscus   safety standards, achieving zero lost time
            and efficient operation of our assets and   Award 2023 for Excellent Achievement in   injury (LTI) even amidst a busy turnaround
            equipment. With the joint efforts of the   Environmental Performance and the other   year. Our unwavering dedication to creating
            management and employees, this proactive   was a gold award from The Edge Malaysia   a secure working environment pays off in
            approach had been successfully carried out   ESG Awards for Most Consistent Performer   achieving record high reliability performance.
            within  the stipulated timelines and costs.   Over 5 Years.           These achievements not only reflect our
            It helps manage safety risks, maintain                                compliance with regulatory frameworks
            regulatory compliance,  and  optimises  the   ACTIVATING WORKFORCE    but also highlight our commitment to the
            refinery’s overall performance.    MANAGEMENT ENHANCEMENTS            well-being of our employees and the
            Alongside this, in FY2023, HRC achieved   We regard our employees as key drivers   communities  in  which  we  operate.
            a reliability milestone, with a record low   of our success. Thus we launched the   We remain vigilant in our pursuit of
            Unplanned Downtime (UPDT) of 0.68%,     “People Programme” in 2023 to build   excellence in safety measures, ensuring that
            this puts us at par with other newer world     a sustainable talent pool of skilled and   our refinery continues to be a model of
            class refineries under quartile-1 of the   committed employees who will enhance   responsible and sustainable operations.
            Solomon  chart.  The  fact  that  this  was    HRC’s  ability  to  swiftly  respond  to  market   IMPROVING COST OPTIMISATION
            achieved in a turnaround year, is a testament   changes,  technological  advancements,
            to the calibre of our workforce. I applaud   and shifting customer preferences in today’s   FOR BETTER MARGINS
            each and every HRC employee for this   dynamic business environment. Through   Our  financial  performance  remains
            achievement.                       this  programme,  we  aspire  to  nurture  a   vulnerable to crude price, refined product
                                               responsive workforce that would empower
            It is worth to highlight that the E4M                                 price,  and  foreign  exchange  (forex)
            project experienced a smooth and safe   us to navigate uncertainties effectively,    fluctuations  caused  by  geopolitical
                                               and to capitalise on emerging opportunities.
            first  year  of  operation  with  no  major                           forces  and  global  economic  changes.
            product  quality  or  reliability  issues,   More on this programme is detailed on   HRC was therefore vigilant in managing
            signifying its sustainable operational status.   page 33.             cash flows to ensure ongoing liquidity
                                                                                  and identifying cost-saving opportunities.
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