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Financial Reports &
              Governance                                          HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD  l  ANNUAL REPORT 2023  91
                                        Other Information

            REGISTRATION NO. 196001000259 (3926-U)

            Key audit matters (continued)

              Key audit matters                                  How our audit addressed the key audit matters

              Recoverability of the carrying amount of refinery assets
              and reversal of deferred tax asset (continued)
              Based on the FVLCTS computed, the Directors have concluded  We performed the following audit procedures on the projections
              that there is no further impairment in the carrying amount of  of taxable profits:
              refinery assets and recognition of deferred tax assets on the   •  Checked  that  the  projections  of  taxable  profits  are
              remaining unused tax losses, unabsorbed capital allowances    determined based on the same assumptions used in the
              and unused reinvestment allowances are appropriate.  FVLCTS calculation; and

                                                                 •  Checked the amount of tax losses estimated to be utilised
                                                                   from YA 2024 to YA 2033 are included in the computation
                                                                   of deferred tax asset recognised as at 31 December 2023.
                                                                 We did not find any material exceptions in the procedures

              Liquidity position of the Company

              Refer  to  Note  4  Financial  Risk  Management  Objectives  and  We performed the following audit procedures:
              Policies: (c) Liquidity and cash flow risks
                                                                 •  Discussed  with  management  on  the  assumptions  used  in
              As at 31 December 2023, the Company has a net current   the cash flows forecast of the Company for the next
              liabilities position of RM435.8 million. The Company’s net   12 months from the date of approval of the financial
              current liabilities  position is mainly  contributed by short term   statements;
              borrowings and trade and other payables as well as derivative   •  Checked that the key assumptions such as refining margin
                                                                   and production volume are consistent with the assumptions
              In assessing the liquidity position of the Company, management   used in the FVCLTS calculation in the impairment model
              has considered the following:                        which we have assessed in the key audit matter earlier;
              •  Availability  of  cash  flows  from  operations  to  meet  the  •  Checked the borrowings repayment profile are in line with
                investing and financing obligations;               terms stipulated in the agreements;
              •  Ability of the Company to meet the debt covenants of the  •  Corroborated  the  availability  of  funding  by  reviewing  the
                borrowings; and                                    financing agreements in place;

              •  Availability of the financing facilities.       •  Checked the calculation of debt covenants of the borrowings
                                                                   based on the terms in the agreements; and
              We focused on this area as the cash flows forecast is inherently
              uncertain  and  involve  significant  judgement  and  estimates  •  Checked the sensitivity analysis performed by management
              made by the Company in arriving at the cash flows forecast for   on the key assumptions to the cash flows forecast.
              the next 12 months from the date of approval of the financial   We did not find any material exceptions in the procedures
              Based on the cash flows forecast, the Directors have concluded
              that the Company is able generate sufficient cash flows for
              the next 12 months from the date of approval of the financial
              statements to meet its cash flows requirements.
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