Page 17 - MMC Ports Newsletter - 2022 OCTOBER - DECEMBER_ISSUE - 4
P. 17

2022 OCTOBER - DECEMBER ISSUE          17

                PENANG PORT

                Occupational,  Safety,  Health  and Environment      OSHE has participated in the ITP - Information
               (“OSHE”) officers have successfully conducted      to Public with Petronas Prai for emergency and
               an Ergonomic Risk Assessment in Penang Port        disaster measures in emergency situations and
               operational area.                                  major accidents.
                OSHE has conducted Emergency Rescue Drill           Conducted the Port’s Safety and Port Police
               based on CIMAH Regulations with the involvement    Induction and Toolbox for all port users.
               of various Government agencies including the         Organised Refresher Course for offenders involved
               Department of Environment.                         with safety offences.
                Implemented  Sistem Keselamatan dan Aspek           Conducted ISO 45001: 2018 Awareness Training for
               Keselamatan and there has been an increase in      its employees.
               the awareness of compliance with safety aspects.     OSHE guided contractors and departments  in
                Floor warden/building occupant training was       Penang Port to establish Hazard Identification,
               conducted for all port users in the building at North   Risk Assessment and Risk Control.
               Butterworth Container Terminal.                      Conducted an awareness session for its contractors
                Competency training first aider was conducted     regarding scheduled waste management.
               for  its  employees.  A  total  of  6  sessions  were
               conducted successfully.

               TANJUNG BRUAS PORT                                       SPTS

                Regular engagements (Safety Toolbox Briefing) for        Participated in Petronas Refinery and
               contractors and safety refreshment sessions for its      Petrochemical Corporation Utilities & Facilities
               employees.                                               (PRPC UF) 5S Mega  Housekeeping  2022
                Participated in OPS ISPS (Ex KELANG 2022) on 6 and      on 27 October 2022 which aims for a
               7 December 2022, conducted by Port Klang Authority       strong culture of cleanliness and proper
               with the involvement of Government departments           housekeeping among its employees and
               and agencies in the Port Klang Maritime Security Area    partners.
               Security Committee to test and deal with security and      Organised SPTS HSE Day on 27 December
               terrorism threats on port facilities, assets and ship    2022 to increase the highest safety culture
               security. The exercise was carried out to meet the       among its employees including PRPC UF
               requirements of the International Ships and Port Facility   with the theme, “Act Together To Build
               Security Code (ISPS Code) against the Marine Facility    Positive Safety and Health Culture”.
               under the Port Klang Authority.

                KONTENA NASIONAL
                 Implemented Side Loader Safety Operation in      2 to 3 November 2022 to ensure the effective
                collaboration with OTC Training Sdn Bhd from      implementation of safety, health and environment
                21 to 22 December 2022 at Port Klang branch.      and also to comply with the ISO 45001:2018 and
                The objective of this training is for workers who   rules and regulatory requirements.
                handle side loaders for loading and unloading       Completed the Recertification Audit for
                work. This work requires precise expertise from   ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety
                every driver to handle and to avoid any accidents   management  system  for  2022, which  was  held
                either unsafe actions from the driver or from the   from 5 to 7 December 2022 at Kuantan branch.
                machinery itself.                                   Implemented a mass screening drug test
                 Attended a two-day event on 7 and 8 November     programme at Penang branch in collaboration
                2022  for  MSOSH  National  Seminar  2022  on     with National Anti-Drugs Agency. The objective
                Safety Culture NATSEM at Auditorium Rashdan       is to comply with Kontena Nasional’s drug policy
                Baba, Universiti Putra Malaysia.                  and to ensure its employees are free from drugs
                 Implemented Defensive Driver Training programme   and crimes.
                on 3 October 2022 at Penang branch and              The monthly HSE communications to its employees
                14 November 2022 at Port Klang branch.            through HSE Take 5 flyers. The topic is selected
                The objective is to educate our  Rakan Khidmat    based on the current issues. The communications
                Penghantaran (RKP) to identify and manage         of HSE Take 5 was distributed via email, toolbox
                fatigue in their journey and to gauge their skill in   meetings and memos displayed on the HSE
                handling a truck, methods of driving, inspection of   Notice Board.
                Prime Mover and proper driving skills. Besides that,        Toolbox briefing to RKP and its employees before
                the programme also educates drivers on fuel       starting operation to provide positive vibes
                efficiency for better cost-effectiveness and moving   and create a safer and healthier place to work,
                towards a sustainable future.                     as well as to ensure the organisation members’
                 Implemented the Safety, Health, Environment and   and  staff’s  full  understanding  of  their  roles  and
                Security internal audit at Kuantan branch from    responsibilities in ensuring safety.
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