Page 23 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_July-Sept_ISSUE
P. 23

2023 JULY - SEPTEMBER ISSUE       23


          PTP and JPA continue to empower the culture of environmental   PTP  together  with  JPA  and  Kelab  Alami
          preservation amongst the local community with the launching   Mukim  Tanjung  Kupang  organised  a special  environmental
          of Eco Lestari Programme, together with the Ministry of   activity with the community on 16 August 2023. The 3R
          Education and a local NGO, Kelab Alami Mukim Tanjung Kupang.    (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) Programme is part of the
          The  Programme  is  a  series  of  environmental  programmes   company’s continuous  and  sustainable  CSR  programme  to
          focusing on changing the culture/mindset of the community   promote the conservation, restoration and rehabilitation of
                                                              environmental ecosystems.
          on preserving the environment to build sustainable green
          communities through environmentally friendly practices.  During the programme, the students were exposed to
                                                              3R-related activities including waste management and
          A total of 24 volunteers and 30 potential students  from   impact on the environment, organic and inorganic materials
          Sekolah  Kebangsaan  (SK)  Pendas  Laut,  SK  Tg  Kupang   decomposition activity, 3R audit and other fun and insightful
          and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Tg Adang      games led by coaches and volunteers from PTP and Kelab
          as ambassadors of the programme called  ECO Warriors,     Alami Mukim Tanjung Kupang.
          where they will be exposed to comprehensive theoretical and
          practical knowledge about environmental sustainability by
          Kelab  Alami,  a Mukim  Tanjung  Kupang local  initiative  that
          works to enable the local community.

                                                                PTP ORGANISES MANGROVE EXCURSION PROGRAMME

                                                              PTP has collaborated with JPA and Kelab Alami Mukim Tanjung
                                                              Kupang to organise a  meaningful  environmental  activity
                                                              with the community called a Mangrove Excursion.
           PLANTING EVENT                                     During the programme, the students were exposed to
                                                              various related activities including learning about mangrove
          Northport took part in the ‘2023 National Day Celebration   plants – regarding types, leaves, tree structures, the habitat
          and Mangrove Planting  Event’ organised  by the Port Klang   surrounding the mangrove, the importance of mangroves as
                                                              rubbish trappers and reducing erosion. The students also did
          Authority (PKA) to commemorate PKA’s 60  anniversary.   a presentation on what they observed during the excursion
          The event was launched by YBrs. Tpr. Puan Hjh. Noraini   with Kelab Alami, together with the volunteers from PTP
          Roslan, President of the Klang Municipal Council,    and JPA.
          with plans to rehabilitate  neglected  areas and plant new
          mangrove saplings as part of PKA’s and port operator’s CSR
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