Page 25 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_Oct-Dec_ISSUE
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Penang Port
• Conducted ISO Management System Training, IMS Awareness, • Digitalised the Permit To Work and Permit Heavy Vehicle
Aspect Impact Training Workshop, Interpretation and application by scanning the form sent by the contractor to be
Implementation Training and Workshop, IMS Documentation recorded in the system.
and Internal Auditor as well as Live Auditing Review. • Conducted an ergonomic awareness programme including
• Implemented an Integrated Management System that theoretical and practical sessions for cranes and operators,
consists of 4 Management System namely ISO 9001:2015, crafted to reduce occupational health problems and other
ISO 14001:2015, ISO 37001:2016 and ISO 45001:2018 with ergonomic issues.
Certification Body from the National Institute for Occupational • Conducted an Emergency Safety Drill with the tenants in
Safety and Health.
the Penang Port’s premises to ensure emergency team
• Organised a Safety Day Campaign to promote workplace preparedness during accidents and rescue for emergencies.
safety and encourage employees to take ownership of • Established and displayed safety videos to promote safety
risks present in their day-to-day lives. This campaign also culture to all port users.
aimed to mobilise and involve people in the workplace to
pressurise decision-makers in prioritising safety above all • Conducted a briefing session on the Workplace Assessment
else. Additionally, this campaign also educated the public on Checklist (OSH-WORKPLACE ASSESSMENT: Occupational
safety-related measures. The agencies involved in the safety Safety and Health Workplace Assessment (OSHWA)) to
day are the Department of Occupational Safety & Health tenants regarding the OSHWA Checklist that will be used for
(DOSH), the Road Transport Department and the Port Health the safety inspection.
Department. • Initiated an OSHE Mentor-Mentee Programme by using
• Conducted OSH Management System information session OSHWA to assess OSH Compliance of Penang Port’s
and shared knowledge on Port Safety and DOSH’s contractors and tenants.
requirements. • Performed monthly Management Safety Walk with the
• Digitalised the safety briefing process for port users by management personnel including the CEO, Head Division
utilising the QR Code method, recording entries directly into and Head of Department with the OSHE Department.
the Occupational, Safety, Health and Environment system.
SPT Services Kontena Nasional
• Conducted the International Ship and Port Facility • Conducted an evacuation drill at Kuantan Branch on
Security (ISPS) Code Terrorism Threat Control Exercise 15 December 2023, and at the Port Klang Branch on 29
(Exercise Cape-X 11/2023) at all Port Facilities/Terminals December 2023, with the primary objective of enhancing
in collaboration with PKA and the Malaysian Marine emergency preparedness. The drill focused on evaluating
Department of the southern region. The SPJ Terminal was the effectiveness of the Emergency Response Team,
monitored by two Observers/Evaluators brought in from ensuring everyone's familiarity with the assembly area,
the Marine Department and the Royal Malaysian Police. and validating the adherence to established evacuation
Throughout this exercise, the organisers will simulate procedures in a simulated environment.
several forms of threats including Human Invasion (by land • Conducted Defensive Driving programme to reduce
or sea), Ship Threat, Bomb Threat, Fire and others.
the dangers associated with driving. Defensive driving
• Organised a Medical Emergency Night Drill, a functional techniques reduce the likelihood of a collision or incident
drill that provides realistic simulations of emergency and can even save costs related to vehicle maintenance
scenarios that could potentially occur during non-daylight and fuel consumption through optimal driving.
hours. This drill is crucial for testing the effectiveness of • Organised Work-Related Road Safety Support programme
response procedures and assessing the adaptability of to enhance the level of work-related road safety practices
response teams. As emergencies do not adhere to a strict in the organisation, as well as to reduce work-related road
schedule, being well-prepared for nighttime incidents is crashes, injuries, fatalities and property damages.
crucial. Thus, regular drills are held during these hours to
enhance overall organisational preparedness and ensure • Organised the First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
that responders can effectively and confidently address and Automated External Defibrillator Training courses. This
emergencies as they occur. competency training programme was certified by DOSH
and is also specially designed to train the average worker
• Conducted the Line of Fire Awareness Programme, which or layperson to become a fully qualified First Aider to
was designed to enhance workplace safety by educating provide competent help and care to the injured or ill person
employees about potential hazards associated with being during an emergency.
in the line of fire.
Tanjung Bruas Port
• Conducted Safety Awareness at the Workplace talk session with key contractors, clients and business partners on the safety
awareness and parameters at the workplace. The objective of the session is to ensure that all port users are aware of the safety
requirements underlined by Tanjung Bruas Port during operations at the port premises. The event was also in line with the Port’s
yearly targeted KPI of achieving ZERO LTI, which is only attainable through a comprehensive and updated understanding of safety
aspects amongst all port contractors, clients, and partners.