Page 23 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 23

2023 APRIL - JUNE ISSUE      23

                                                     PENANG PORT

           Penang Port’s Seabed Leveller has successfully conducted   ferry service are nearing completion, with all scheduled
           the Sea Trial on 31 May 2023, in Lumut. She arrived on     to arrive by the first of July. The new ferries have a travel
           8 June 2023, preparing for Dredging Trial. She will be in   time of just under 12 minutes between the mainland
           operation by the third week of July 2023. The Seabed   and Penang Island. The ferries will be put into service in
           Leveller is an innovative and eco-friendly way to improve   August 2023.
           navigational access to the port and approaches to the   The remainder of the year is predicted to remain strong
           wharves whilst minimising environmental impact. It is the   in terms of the throughput.  The local hinterland is also
           most economic approach for the maintenance dredging in   expected to remain stable while the South Thai market is
           Penang Port. Additionally, four new ferries for the Penang
                                                               expected to improve.

                           NORTHPORT                                       TANJUNG BRUAS PORT

           Northport  has  undertaken  the “Reinventing  Northport”   NON-CONVENTIONAL  SHIP OPERATION – WOODEN
           initiative to revitalise the port’s equipment and facilities.   BOAT.
           As part of this effort, the development of a new     Tanjung Bruas Port continues to thrive in handling
           container  yard,  known  as  Block  J,  was  successfully   conventional cargoes and containers, with the port
           completed on 16 May 2023 and has been handed         currently working to further develop the handling
           over for operations. The addition of Block J enables    potential at the port including the proposal to handle
           Northport  to  accommodate  an extra  capacity  of  over   non-convention vessels, especially from neighbouring
           530,000 TEUs per year. This expansion will enhance   ASEAN countries such as Indonesia and Myanmar.
           Northport’s ability to handle growing container  volumes   TBP’s received a request from cargo handling company
           with greater efficiency and effectiveness from Q3 onwards.   ‘freight forwarders’ who expressed their desire and interest
           Additionally,  Northport  has  also  pledged  to  purchase   to handle non-conventional ships at its port considering
           34 RTGs Yard Cranes to boost capacity and            its suitable location, sufficient berth depth, crawler crane
                                                                and control by security (Auxiliary Police), enabling ships
           competitiveness,  with  plans  to  positively  build  upon the     to dock without hindrance as well as offering competitive
           record-breaking momentum seen in the previous year.  handling costs for unloading and loading cargo involving
                                                                industrial and consumer goods.
                                                                Currently, TBP has been granted approval to operate
                           JOHOR PORT                           non-conventional ships with a capacity of 100 Gross
                                                                Registered Tonnage (GRT) and not exceeding 500 GRT.
           Johor Port has recently completed work on the Port   This approval, if given, provides additional value for the
           Access Management System (PAMS) at the end of June   port and opens up opportunities to improve the current
           2023, with the system taking effect from Q3 onwards.   and future operations of the port on Q3, 2023.
           PAMS is a comprehensive online permit application
           system  to  expedite  the  overall  process  and  improve
           the security verification of all checkpoints by using a          KONTENA NASIONAL
           comprehensive access control system.
                                                                To enhance road safety in its operations, Kontena Nasional
           Additionally, Johor Port has started  development  of   is currently working on ISO 39001:2013 for Kuantan
           Port Reception Facilities (PRF) to receive all scheduled   branch in collaboration with PERKESO, MIROS and NIOSH.
           wastages generated by both vessels and land generators.   The road traffic management system and Work-Related
           It features waste reception facilities and physical    Road Safety outlined in the ISO refers to the collection
           separation to improve the quality of waste before sending   of policies, procedures, technologies, practices and
           it to the prescribed premises. The PRF is targeted for   strategies implemented to effectively manage and control
           completion by the end of October 2023.               traffic and safety on road networks, ensuring the safety,
                                                                efficiency, and overall performance of road transportation
                                                                among employees.
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