Page 22 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 22


          On the Horizon:

          Charting Our Prospects for Q3 & Q4


                                                                        PTP is continuing with its footprint optimisation
                                                                        initiatives  under  the  Ipsum  Magna programme.
                                                                        Updates on key initiatives are summarised as
                                                                           Quay crane fleet modernisation – fabrication
                                                                           of three units replacement units is ongoing
                                                                           by ZPMC, which is expected to be operational
                                                                           by Q3 2023. This will further improve
                                                                           operational efficiency and availability.

                                                                           Rubber  Tyred  Gantry  (RTG)  crane  fleet
                                                                           modernisation and capacity enhancement
                                                                           – a contract was signed with Mitsui E&S in
                                                                           November 2022 for the supply of 35 full
                                                                           electrical RTGs. The new units are a mixture
                                                                           of replacement and capacity enhancement
                                                                           RTGs. The delivery will be in batches
                                                                           starting from Q2 2024 until Q2 2025.
                                                                           At the same time, PTP has floated a new
                                                                           tender for 48 units, which will be for
                                                                           the replacement of a similar number of
                                                                           existing  RTGs.  The  award  of  this tender
          Following a progressive and productive year thus far             package is expected by Q3 2023.
          for the port industry, the following half of the year will       These  RTG  projects  will  further  increase
          see a slight slowdown in maritime  and trade activities          PTP’s yard operating capacity and allow
          across the nation’s ports. This is mainly attributed to a        the terminal to cater for the anticipated
                                                                           increase in volume while providing flexibility
          slower-than-expected box volume recovery in China and a          to support the customer’s needs.
          decreased demand for cargo. However, a general decline
          in port congestion  and the gradual  reopening of market         Electric  Terminal  Tractor  –  PTP has  signed
          segments throughout the year will also continue to yield         a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
          higher trade activity amongst Malaysian ports.                   with Terberg Tractors Malaysia in February
                                                                           2023, for the Proof of Concept (POC) for
          On MMC Ports’ end, Yan Port has shown its capabilities by        the Electric Terminal Tractor (ETT). The POC
          being the first major port in the northern Straits of Malacca    is a three-month testing, allowing PTP to
          to handle two very  large crude carriers  (VLCCs) within         test and assess the ETT’s performance and
          its limits, completed from 17 June 2023 to 18 June 2023.         opportunities towards carbon reduction and
                                                                           cost optimisation throughout regular port
          With this achievement as a benchmark, MMC Ports                  operation.
          envisions Yan Port as a key hub for petroleum and
          gas cargo transfer operations moving forward into the year.      Autonomous Terminal Tractor – PTP has
                                                                           signed  a  MoU  with  Terberg  Tractors
          Several   MMC     ports,  in   particular  Northport,            Malaysia  in  February  2022,  for the  POC
          anticipates a better second half of the year despite             for the Autonomous Terminal Tractor.
          external  headwinds  and  global  uncertainties.  The  positive     PTP aims to explore if the solutions can
          forecast is owed to the shifting global trade dynamics,          deliver equal or improved productivity
          the continuation of Malaysia’s positive trade performance        and efficiency whilst continuing to
          as well as operational improvements and investments              maintain the highest safety requirements.
          towards upgrading the ports’ infrastructure.
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