Page 21 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 21

2023 APRIL - JUNE ISSUE       21

                                                     PENANG PORT

              Digitalised the process by using QR Code for safety      Organised a working visit from DOSH Penang to Penang
              briefing to port users and record entries directly into the   Port, aimed to see first-hand the management of OSH
              Occupational, Safety, Health and Environment system.  carried out at Penang Port in preventing and reducing
              Conducted OSH Management System information        workplace accidents.
              session and shared knowledge on Port Safety based on      Organised a Forum on the role and challenges of
              DOSH requirements.                                  Government Agency Assignments at Penang Port.
              Conducted engagement session with Stevedore        Among the invited panels were Penang State Customs
              company for knowledge enhancement on the new        and DOSH.
              regulation  requirements  on risk  assessment,  as stated      Conducted a Briefing Session on the Workplace
              in Occupational Safety and Health (Amendment)       Assessment Checklist (OSH-Workplace Assessment:
              Act 2022.                                           OSHWA)  led  by  Penang  DOSH  Officers.  The  briefing
              Conducted Port Safety and Port Police Induction to all   is focused on the OSHWA Checklist, with Penang Port
              port users who are applying for port passes.        personnel and users required to conduct inspections
              Conducted an ergonomic awareness programme         using the checklist.
              for crane operators to reduce occupational health       OSHE Mentor-Mentee Programme using OSHWA to
              problems, including theoretical and practice sessions    assess OSH Compliance of Penang Port’s contractors
              for crane cabin operators to reduce ergonomic issues.  and tenants.
              Conducted an Emergency Safety Drill exercise with      Conducted an engagement session with contractors,
              tenants in Penang Port’s premises to ensure emergency   stevedore and tenants to discuss matters related to HSE
              team preparedness during accidents and rescue for   and to update the contractors on the port’s requirements
              emergencies.                                        and legal compliance.
              Engaged with Port Health to discuss ways forward on      Conducted audiometric testing on employees that were
              compliance improvement.                             identified  as  working  in  high  noise  exposure  areas
              Organised an Information to Public event regarding the   based on the Noise Risk Assessment report.
              Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards (CIMAH)      Performed monthly Management Safety Walk among
              Regulations 1996. The event was conducted to brief and   the management team with OSHE Department.
              explain dangerous goods in the Penang Port area and      Displayed safety videos to promote safety culture to all
              emergency response plans for critical situations.   port users.

                      TANJUNG BRUAS PORT                                    KONTENA NASIONAL

              Conducted Monthly Sanitation at all areas including      Organised Toolbox meetings with its employees at the
              administrative building, checkpoint, wharf and       Kuantan branch, identifying and thorough investigation
              warehouse offices to maintain a clean and safe       towards the root cause of accidents.
              physical environment and as part to control the     Organised  Work-related  Road  Safety  Support
              transmission of diseases within its premises.        Programme:  A  coaching  programme  at  its  Kuantan
              Conducted  random  urine  tests  for  its  employees  to   branch in collaboration with the Malaysian Institute of
              detect potential drug and alcohol abuse. This exercise   Road Safety Research and PERKESO on 2 and 3 May
              is vital towards preventing accidents in the workplace.  2023.
              Participated in the Oil Spill Exercise at Tanjung Bruas      Participated in Bengkel Bimbingan dan Pembangunan
              Port limit. The training was conducted based on real   Sistem Pengurusan Keselamatan Jalanraya dan Trafik
              incidents for employees to apply their knowledge,     MS ISO 39001:2013 organised by Malaysia Road and
              to always prepare and identify any gaps in the event     Transportation Safety Association, in collaboration with
              of an oil spill.                                     PERKESO on 10 May to 14 May 2023 to promote safe
                                                                   driving behaviours, raise awareness about traffic rules
                                                                   and  regulations, as  well  as  encourage  responsible
                               SPTS                                road use.
                                                                   Organised Fire Extinguisher and Emergency Drill at
                                                                   Port Klang branch on 5 May 2023, together with
              Conducted an Ergonomic Awareness Programme for      warehouse workers to increase awareness and
              its employees and contractors on 16 May 2023.        ensure that occupants are well-prepared to respond
             Organised   Quarterly  SHC   Meetings   with         appropriately in case of a fire emergency.
              non-management  employees  and  contractors  on      Attended the Logistic Service Spot Audit organised
              23 June 2023. The quarterly meeting is part of the   by BASF on 18 May 2023 to identify areas of
              requirements to fulfil the Occupational Safety and   improvement and measure service quality.
              Health Act 1994.                                     Organised Defensive Driving Training on 25 May 2023,
                                                                   to encourage the reduced risk of accidents, promote
                                                                   safe driving behaviours, and enhance overall road
                                                                   Participated in PERODUA Transporter Sharing
                                                                    Information Session on 18 May 2023.
                                                                   BOMBA Second Inspection for Fire Certification on
                                                                   23 May 2023 to confirm that all buildings or premises
                                                                   comply with fire safety regulations.
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