Page 20 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 20


          Ports’ Key HSE Initiatives

          – Quarter 2, 2023


              Celebrated World Day for Safety and Health at        Hosted the MMC Group HSE and Security Heads
               Work 2023 on 28 April 2023. In conjunction with the   Meeting from 12 to 13 June 2023. The session was held to
               theme,  “A safe  and healthy  working  environment  is a   discuss in-depth performances and future plans for the
               fundamental principle and right at work”, the PTP Health,   Group’s HSE and Security for 2023.
               Safety and Environment (HSE) team organised several
               activities  to  raise  health  and  safety  awareness  among      Initiated the Safety Skills Training for blue-collar
               its  employees,  including  Occupational  Safety  and     employees.  Through  this  training,  the  blue-collar
               Health Act amendment briefing by Department        employees would have the opportunities to participate
               of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Johor,    in over 15 modules of safety skills training, such as
               ergonomic  awareness  briefing,  HSE  crossword  puzzle   Fatal 5, Risk Assessment, Work at Heights and
               and Augmented Reality-Virtual Reality safety games.   Introduction to HSE Legislation.

                                                     JOHOR PORT

              The  development  and  construction  of Port  Reception   and others. These programmes were scheduled to
               Facilities for Scheduled Waste storage management was   be conducted monthly  with various topics and  target
               initiated. The objective was to centralise waste collection   groups.
               to avoid non-compliance with the Environmental Quality
               Act Regulation 1974.                              Conducted Random Inspection for Shore Crane
                                                                  (15MT-25MT) and Boom Lift on 8 June 2023. These
              Implemented the Accident Mitigation Plan by organising   inspections  will  be  conducted  regularly  with  the
               a series of Safety Moment programmes involving     involvement of Johor Port resident contractors.
               Prime Mover drivers, Terminal Equipment Operators
               including crane operators, Lashing Gang, Stevedores,      Conducted  DOSH  Awareness  Talk  on  13  June  2023,
                                                                  to emphasise the role and duties of HSE representatives.


              Participated in the International Maritime Dangerous      Participated  in  the  International  Association  of  Ports
               Goods Code Training on General Awareness           and Harbours (IAPH) Sustainability Awards 2023,
               and Function Specific from 29 to 30 May 2023.      under the Health Safety and Security category.
               The training provided a comprehensive introduction     The IAPH Sustainability Awards recognises and
               to dangerous goods, including their characteristics     celebrates exceptional achievements and best practices
               and the appropriate procedures for safe handling.  in  sustainability  within  the  global  port  and  harbour
              Organised the Port Reception Facilities Open Day on
               7 June 2023 with Alam Flora Environmental Solutions      Conducted HSE Council Meeting no. 2/2023 on
               in conjunction with World Environment Day 2023.     26  June  2023.  Chaired  by  Northport’s  Chief  Executive
               With  the  theme  #BeatPlasticPollution,  the  event   Officer, the meeting was attended by the senior
               was organised to raise awareness about the critical   management  team  and  employee  representatives  to
               importance of environmental preservation among the   address and discuss various HSE-related matters and
               port workers and its stakeholders.                 seek resolutions at the highest level.
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