Page 15 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 15

2023 APRIL - JUNE ISSUE       15

                                                           PENANG PORT RECEIVES WORKING VISIT FROM NIGERIA
          The Johor State National Security Council has collaborated
          with the Johor State Royal Malaysian Customs Department   Penang Port received a delegation comprised of various
          to organise a security working visit together with the Johor   Government  agencies  and  departments  from  Nigeria.
          State Movement Planning Committee to PTP.        The visit was led by Prof Ahmad Bello, Department of
                                                           Accounting Business School Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
          During the visit, the officials were welcomed by Mr. Marco
          Neelsen, CEO of PTP, with the delegation being taken                            This working visit served
          for a working visit to CCTV Control Room, PTP’s Vessel                          as a platform to highlight
          Traffic Management and Information System, Pelepas Free                         Penang Port’s range of
          Zone and container terminal to closely observe and gain a                       services with international
          deeper understanding on the operations of PTP as a port                         Governing bodies such
          hailed amongst the 15 busiest in the world.                                     as Nigeria.

                                             OFFICIAL WORKING VISIT BY DISTRICT OFFICER OF YAN, KEDAH AND ITS
                                             PTP welcomed the delegation from the District of Yan, Kedah, led by its District
                                             Officer, YBrs. Tuan Mohamad Subhi Abdullah. The working visit to PTP was to gain
                                             more information on various related processes, procedures, and benchmarks of
                                             successful high-impact project developments under MMC Group such as PTP and
                                             Naha Port Authority conducted a
            PTP received the inaugural visit led   familiarisation  visit  to  Northport  with
            by the Honourable Bapak Antoni Arif   the objective of fostering the exchange
            Priadi, Senior Advisor to the Minister   of opinions and exploring potential
            of Transportation of the Republic   synergies between Port Klang and
            of Indonesia and its delegation.    the  harbour  facility  in  Okinawa.
            The   delegation  was  warmly    The delegation comprised of 16 officials
            welcomed by the CEO of PTP,      from the Naha Port Authority and the   INAUGURAL VISIT FROM THE
            Marco   Neelsen  and   several   Japan  Council of Local  Authorities for   NEWLY APPOINTED GENERAL
            members of the PTP management    International Relations of Singapore.  MANAGER OF JOHOR PORT
            team  including  senior  management                                 AUTHORITY
            teams from MMC Group and Johor                                      Johor Port welcomed the inaugural
            Port Authority.                                                     visit of the newly appointed General
                                                                                Manager of Johor Port Authority
            The visit was part of the stakeholder                               (JPA), Monaliza Suhaimi, together
            engagement programme that aims                                      with several JPA senior officers.
            to strengthen bilateral relations
            between PTP and its stakeholders.                                   The JPA delegation was warmly
                                                                                welcomed by the CEO of Johor
                                                                                Port, Md Derick Basir and members
                                                                                of Johor Port Management Team.
                                                                                The visit  started with  a tour around
                                                                                Johor Port for an in-depth experience
                                             SPTS CONDUCTS AN ENGAGEMENT        of the Port’s operations and further
                                             SESSION WITH THE DEPARTMENT        understanding of the services and
                                             OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND         facilities, as well as to discuss the
                                             HEALTH (DOSH) JOHOR                latest and the ongoing developments
                                                                                and updates of Johor Port.
                                             SPTS paid a courtesy visit to the
          COURTESY VISIT FROM NAMSUNG        DOSH Office in Johor on 11 May 2023.    This inaugural visit provided an
          SHIPPING, KOREA TO NORTHPORT       This engagement session is part of   excellent platform for both parties to
                                             SPTS’s  stakeholders’  engagement  better align their efforts, share the
          The  principal  of  QEL  Shipping,  initiatives to foster and strengthen   latest achievements, and jointly chart
          recognised as an agent for Namsung   relationships with the Government   a path towards further development
          Shipping, embarked on a business visit   agencies and authorities.    and excellence of the Port.
          to Northport. Northport’s CEO, Dato’
          Azman Shah Mohd Yusof, briefed the
          delegation on Northport’s operations   EDUCATIONAL VISIT FROM POLITEKNIK MERLIMAU
          and performance, as well as provided   Tanjung Bruas Port welcomed 34 students from Politeknik Merlimau Melaka for
          updates on Northport’s latest initiatives   an educational visit to the port. The visit aimed to provide exposure and to give a
          and   infrastructure  development.   firsthand experience to students regarding port operations and its supply chain
          The visit provided an avenue for   including cargo, import and export as well as knowledge particularly on logistics.
          Northport  to  strengthen  its  existing
          business relationship with QEL Shipping.
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