Page 11 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 11

2023 APRIL - JUNE ISSUE       11

                                             PENANG PORT ORGANISES
                                             INFORMATION TO PUBLIC EVENT
                                             Penang Port organised an Information
                                             to Public event regarding the Control of
                                             Industrial Major Accident Hazards (CIMAH)
                                             Regulations 1996 located at Prai Bulk
                                             Cargo Terminal, Penang Port.

            MMC PORTS PARTICIPATE IN         The event was attended by Tuan Hairozie Asri, Director, Department of Occupational
            THE LARGEST MARITIME AND         Safety and Health (DOSH) Penang, Mohd Nizam Saidin, Senior Assistant Dangerous
            AEROSPACE EXHIBITION IN THE      Cargo Officer, Penang Port Commission, the management team of Penang Port,
            ASIA-PACIFIC REGION, LANGKAWI    as well as various Government agencies and port users.
            INTERNATIONAL MARITIME AND       The event was conducted to brief and explain dangerous goods in the Penang Port
            AEROSPACE 2023 (LIMA ‘23)        area and the emergency response plan to ensure precautionary measures related to
            Members of MMC Ports namely PTP,   major hazards or any emerging risks are taken.
            Johor Port, Northport and Penang
            Port participated in the LIMA ‘23   3RD MARITIME LAW AND BUSINESS   ISKANDAR MALAYSIA CEO
            from 23 to 27 May 2023 at Mahsuri
            International Exhibition Centre,   CONFERENCE 2023 (MLBC 2023)      ROUNDTABLE SESSION
            Langkawi, Kedah. The members’    Northport participated in the MLBC   PTP participated in the Iskandar
            participation was grouped under   2023  held  at  the  JW  Marriot  Hotel,   Malaysia CEO Roundtable Session
            the pavilion  of  the Ministry  of   Kuala Lumpur. The event highlighted   2023, bringing  together  CEOs  and
            Transport Malaysia and the port   the significance of maritime law in    senior executives from leading
            state authority including Port Klang,   fostering global trade, ensuring maritime   companies in Iskandar Malaysia
            Johor Port Authority and Penang    safety,  and  addressing  emerging  to  discuss  the  latest  trends  and
            Port Commission.                 challenges. Prominent keynote speakers,   opportunities  in  the  region.
                                             including leading maritime lawyers and   The event was organised by the
            The official 16  Edition of LIMA   industry  leaders,  shared  their  valuable   Iskandar Regional Development
            focused  on the  theme  ‘The Nexus   insights on a wide range of topics such   Authority (IRDA).
            of  Maritime  and  Aerospace  Trade’   as maritime arbitration, environmental
            and  was  officiated  by  Malaysia’s   regulations, and emerging technologies   This year, the theme of the event was
            Minister of Transport and Minister   in the maritime sector. Northport’s CEO,   ‘Iskandar Malaysia: The Next Frontier
            of Defence. The event received a   Dato’ Azman Shah Mohd Yusof was   for Growth’, featuring keynote
            huge  participation  from  over  525   featured as one of the speakers in a   speakers from leading companies in
            exhibitors, including 140 companies   panel session at the event.   Iskandar Malaysia as well as panel
            from  the defence  industry  and  101                               discussions on a variety of topics,
            companies from the commercial                                       which saw the participation and
            sector.                                                             contribution of Marco Neelsen, CEO
                                                                                of PTP.
            The  event was primarily  a branding
            tool to create awareness of MMC
            market share, generate new business   PORT INDUSTRIES
            opportunities and showcase the MMC   PTP participated in a roundtable discussion organised by UN Global Compact
            Ports’ services to its stakeholders.   Network Malaysia and Brunei (UNGCMYB).

                                             Held at the UNGCMYB Headquarters in Petaling  Jaya,  Selangor,  the  event  was
                                             inaugurated by Norhasliza Mat Salleh, Deputy Under-Secretary, Maritime Division,
                                             Ministry of Transport Malaysia. The roundtable discussion, which was organised as
                                             part of World Oceans Day 2023, aimed to provide a platform for local port industries to
                                             discuss and identify best practices, challenges, and solutions to promote sustainability
                                             in Malaysia’s ports for a sustainable future in terms of trade and economic growth.

                                             PENANG PORT ORGANISES A FORUM
          CARNIVAL 2023                      PORT
          The  Marine  Department  of  Malaysia   The forum was organised with the
          organised the carnival in conjunction   objective to to share more information
          with Day of The Seafarers 2023.    and experiences about the roles and
          The carnival, which was organised for   challenges faced by various Government
          two days starting from 24 until 25 June,   agencies in Penang Port. The event
          launched with a collection of interesting   also featured panel discussions between distinguished speakers from the Royal
          activities for children, youths and   Malaysian Customs Department and the Department of Occupational Safety and
          parents, with Penang Port also setting   Health, Penang, allowing port users the opportunity to network with industry
          up a booth in collaboration with Penang   experts and exchange ideas with fellow attendees.
          Port Commission to promote the port’s
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