Page 13 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 13

2023 APRIL - JUNE ISSUE       13

                                             MAJLIS SAMBUTAN AIDILFITRI
                                             TEAMNORTHPORT 2023
                                             Northport  hosted a raya event which
                                             was attended by almost 3,000 guests
                                             including customers, business partners,
                                             Government agencies, community
                                             leaders, its employees and other   PTP LEGAL DAY 2023
                                             stakeholders. The event, centred
                                             around the theme of “Hijaukan Syawal   PTP has successfully organised
                                             Anda”, was organised  to highlight the   its inaugural PTP Legal Day 2023.
           PORT RECEPTION FACILITIES (PRF)   importance of Environment, Social   The  event  kicked  off  with  a  prize-
           OPEN DAY                          and  Governance (ESG)  practices  in   giving ceremony by Muhammad
           Northport and Alam Flora Environmental     modern-day business activities. The   Abdullah Hatta, Chief Financial Officer
                                                                                of PTP for winners of the Enterprise
           Solutions (AFES) have collaborated   event  met  its  zero  waste  KPI  target   Risk Management (ERM) crossword
           to  organise  the  PRF  Open  Day  in   and  achieved  the  company’s  primary   puzzle  and  the  anti-bribery  and
           conjunction with World Environment   objective of increasing ESG awareness   anti-corruption poster contests held
           Day 2023. The event was jointly   among its employees, stakeholders,   prior  to  the  day.  Narendren
           graced  by  Northport’s  CEO,  Dato’   and the surrounding communities.  Rengasamy, the Managing Director
           Azman Shah Mohd Yusof and AFES’                                      of Pelepas Terminal Inland Services
           Chief Operating Officer, En. Nazar                                   was also present to hand out the
           Abdul Raof.                                                          prizes  to  the  winners  who  had  also
                                                                                participated in the contest.
           More than 200 people comprising
           of port workers as well as Northport                                 PTP Legal Day 2023 featured various
           and AFES’ stakeholders attended                                      activities including talks featuring
           the open-day event held at the                                       law experts from local law firms
           Northport PRF facility. PRF Open                                     and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption
           Day was organised with the  aim                                      Commission. A consultation booth on
           of raising awareness about the                                       Integrity, Governance, Compliance
           critical importance of  environmental                                and ERM has also been set up to
                                                                                cater to employees’ queries and
           preservation among the port workers                                  provide support where necessary.
           and its stakeholders.

                                             PENANG PORT HOSTS FRIENDLY
                                             GOLF TOURNAMENT WITH PORT
                                             FRATERNITY AND KEY PARTNERS
                                                                                HARI BERTEMU PELANGGAN DAN
                                             The tournament  took place  at the   KARNIVAL KERJAYA 2023
                                             Penang Gold Club, seeing participation
                                             from 120 golfers of various backgrounds   Northport participated in the Ministry of
          REGIONAL CONFERENCE ‘SEIZING       and industries such as port and shipping   Transport  (MoT)’s  ‘Meet  the  Customer
                                                                                Day  &  Career  Fair  2023’  with  Port
          OPPORTUNITIES FOR GREEN            industries and Government agencies.   Klang Authority (PKA), Westports  and
          SHIPPING IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC’,   The  participants  praised  the  event’s   Port Klang Free Zone under Port Klang
          MANILA, PHILIPPINES                organising committee and hospitality,   booth. The Opening Ceremony was
                                             as  the  tournament  was strategically
          PTP  participated  in  the  regional   crafted to provide a balance between   officiated by YBhg. Dato’ Jana Santhiran
          conference co-organised by the     business  and  pleasure  activities.   Muniayan, Secretary General of the
          Philippines through the Maritime Industry   The  tournament  has  also  enabled   MoT, Malaysia. Port Klang’s participation
          Authority, the Danish Maritime Authority   Penang Port to build lasting relationships   in  the  event  was  in  conjunction  with
          of Denmark, and the International   with its key stakeholders  and gain   PKA’s 60th Anniversary and as part
          Maritime Organisation, aimed to    new insights  into their  needs and   of the various programmes initiated by
                                                                                PKA to commemorate the Authority’s
          provide a platform for sharing regional   expectations.               historic journey of 60 years.
          perspectives, emission reduction
          priorities and promoting green shipping
          in Southeast Asia and the Pacific.  ANDAMAN PORT COMPLETES THE
                                             FIRST SHIP-TO-SHIP (STS) TRANSFER IN
          During a Green Port session held   YAN, KEDAH
          on the 16 May 2023, CEO of PTP,
          Marco Neelsen took the centre stage   Andaman Port Sdn Bhd successfully carried
          by speaking on the topic titled ‘Panel   out its maiden STS transfer operation at
          on Green Ports and Electrification of   Yan Port in Yan, Kedah. The STS operation
          Ferries.’                          was initiated smoothly on 25th and 26th April 2023 at one of the ten approved
                                             berths within Yan Port limit, located 5 nautical miles from the coastline of Pulau
          Attended  by  over  200  delegates   Bunting.
          from across the maritime industry,
          the conference was a success and   This marks the first STS operation within the  Yan  Port  limit  and  was  successfully
          had helped to raise awareness of the   carried out in adherence to the high levels of safety standards without
          importance of green shipping to the   compromising environmental matters. This STS operation underlines a
          ASEAN region as well as providing a   solid collaboration between MMC Ports and federal and state authorities
                                             including the Ministry of Transport Malaysia, Marine Department of Malaysia,
          platform for stakeholders to discuss     State Government of Kedah Darul Aman as well as various government agencies
          and collaborate on ways to decarbonise   to promote maritime activities in Kedah and ensures the STS operations are carried
          the shipping industry.             out safely and efficiently.
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