Page 17 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 17

2023 APRIL - JUNE ISSUE       17

                                           NORTHPORT ORGANISES ANNUAL IHYA RAMADAN PROGRAMME
                                           Northport celebrated the holy month of Ramadan with widows and orphans of the
                                           Company’s deceased employees  through  the annual  Ihya Ramadan  programme
                                           on 14 April 2023. Zakat funds were also presented to 10 local mosques in Klang and
                                           Port Klang to help underprivileged families under their respective qariah.

          PTP CONTRIBUTES TO FAMILIES IN                                        NORTHPORT DISTRIBUTES IFTAR
          NEED THROUGH ANNUAL PTP-LPJ                                           PACKS TO HAULIERS AND LORRY
          TIJARAH RAMADAN PROGRAMME                                             DRIVERS
          PTP collaborated with Lembaga Pelabuhan                               The initiative was organised with Port
          Johor (LPJ) to distribute food and financial                          Klang Authority (PKA) at Northport’s
          aid to less fortunate families within Gelang                          terminal gates on 19 April 2023 as
          Patah and Johor Bahru communities                                     an appreciative gesture towards the
          through its annual PTP-LPJ Tijarah                                    dedication and commitment of the
          Ramadan CSR Programme                                                 haulier and lorry drivers, who continue
                                                                                to move goods even during the fasting
          Officiated by Ir. Ts. Mohamad Fazli Mohamad Salleh, Johor State Exco of Public Works,   month.  This  also  highlights  the
          Transportation and Infrastructure, a total of 250 less fortunate families comprising of   port operator and port authority’s
          single parents and low-income families received aid in the form of cash vouchers,     commitment  to  supporting  the
          Raya cookies and other essential goods such as rice, sugar, flour, spices among others.  wellbeing of the industry players.
          With the strength of 35 PTP volunteers, the aid was distributed to Kampung Ladang,
          Kampung Pok, Kampung Desa Paya Mengkuang, Kampung Tanjung Adang,
          Kampung Pekajang, Kampung Tiram Duku, Kampung Pulai and Flat Larkin Johor.

          Johor Port organised the Johor Port Bubur
          Lambuk programme with the help of
          20 employees from various Divisions and                               MINI-RAYA CELEBRATION WITH THE
          Departments,  including  the  management                              DISABLED CHILDREN AT PUSAT
          and support staff, to prepare the ingredients                         PEMULIHAN DALAM KOMUNITI (PDK)
          needed to cook the bubur lambuk.                                      OF NUSAJAYA, GELANG PATAH

          Seven jumbo pots were used to prepare                                 PTP volunteers participated alongside
          the dish and a total of 2,000 packs of bubur lambuk were successfully distributed   parents and teachers in the celebrations,
          to the local mosques in Pasir Gudang namely Masjid Al’ulya, Masjid Al-Ittihad,    helping children in need to learn,
          Surau Abdul Rahman  bin Auf Taman Scientex, Masjid Taman Rinting, Johor Port’s   socialise, improve their social and motor
          surau, the hauliers, the port’s users as well as to the employees of Johor Port.  skills, and showcase their creativity.
          The programme was held with the aim to strengthen the bond among Johor Port’s   PTP will continue its efforts by curating
          employees  through  a  collective  gotong-royong  culture,  as  well  as  embracing  the     special  programmes  with  PDK
          spirit of giving and sharing which is synonymous with the holy month of Ramadan.  Nusajaya  as  part  of  the  Kasih  Lestari
                                                                                programme through collaboration and
                                                                                empowerment activities as an avenue
          KONTENA NASIONAL DISTRIBUTES GROCERIES TO                             for PTP employees to continuously give
          THE NEEDY COMMUNITY AROUND ITS OPERATION                              back to the community.
          Kontena Nasional continued to embody the spirit of                    TANJUNG BRUAS PORT ORGANISES
          caring and giving during Ramadan by sharing blessings                 INFAQ KASIH RAMADAN
          with the underprivileged communities in KN Headquarters,              Tanjung Bruas Port has initiated
          Petaling Jaya. A total of 250 asnaf from Flat Kg Lindungan            the organisation of the Infaq Kasih
          received the Ramadan packages consisting of essential                 Ramadan, which gives priority to
          goods for each family to ease their burden in their                   senior  citizens  designated  under
          preparations to celebrate Hari Raya. The event was                    the asnaf group living near the port
          organised in line with the true spirits of Ramadan which              operation area. A total of 41 asnaf
          are  kindness and compassion, especially for the less                 received a contribution from Tanjung
          fortunate within KN Headquarters’ local community.                    Bruas Port to ease their burden in their
                                                                                celebrations of the festive Hari Raya
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