Page 14 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 14


          Around Our Ports

                                                                                     In a statement regarding
                                                                                   the award and the port's plans
            NORTHPORT RECEIVES BRITISH SAFETY COUNCIL’S                          moving forward, Dato' Azman Shah
            INTERNATIONAL SAFETY AWARD                                           Mohd Yusof, CEO of Northport said:
            Northport received the award during a special presentation          This prestigious International Safety
            ceremony held at the Landmark Hotel in London, awarded to          Award and other recognitions received
            recognise and celebrate organisations from around the             by Northport are significant milestones in
            world which have shown a true commitment and dedication           our journey towards sustainable growth,
            towards cultivating safe and healthy workplace                     and we are excited to continue working
            environments.                                                       towards a safer, healthier, and more
                                                                                 resilient future for our employees,
            It is also noted that the number of applications for                      business partners and
            the awards increased from 647 in 2022 to 978                                  stakeholders.
            in  2023,  reflecting  the  rapidly  growing  global
            recognition and prestige associated through winning
            the International Safety Awards.

                                                  CORPORATE VISITS

                                             JOHOR PORT RECEIVES VISIT FROM   developments as well as a briefing on
                                             TERAS TEKNOLOGI AND KUMPULAN     the Port Terminal Information System.
                                             MELAKA BERHAD                    To  provide  a first-hand  experience,
                                                                              the delegations were also taken on a
                                                                              guided tour of the port, allowing them
                                                                              to witness the facilities, infrastructure,
          WORKING VISIT TO PTP FROM PORT                                      and operations in action, further
          OF MELBOURNE AUTHORITY                                              enhancing their understanding of
                                                                              Johor Port’s capabilities.
          PTP welcomes a delegation from Port
          of Melbourne Authority  as part of an                               These visits were organised as part of
          engagement between both parties    Johor Port received two working visits   Johor Port’s stakeholder engagement
          for the Asia – Europe Green Shipping   from Teras  Teknologi Sdn Bhd  and   initiatives  that  aim  to  share  the latest
          Corridor Malaysia Feasibility Study for a   Kumpulan Melaka Berhad on 29 and    updates  and  development  at  the
          Pilot Project at PTP.              30 May 2023, respectively.       port and at the same time served as
                                             During these visits, the delegates   a valuable opportunity to enhance
                                             were provided with a presentation on   bilateral  relations  with  relevant
                                             the port’s operations and its ongoing   stakeholders.

                                                                                    COURTESY VISIT FROM THE
                                                                                    ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN
                                                                                    SHIPPING LINE GROUP (IRISL)
            STATE COAST GUARD (USCG) –                                              Northport  received a visit  from
            INTERNATIONAL PORT SECURITY                                             the Director Manager of IRISL,
            PROGRAMME                                                               Mohammad Reza Modarres and its
            Northport received an official visit                                    Management team. The delegation
            from USGC during the International                                      was welcomed by Northport’s
            Port Security Programme held on   PENANG PORT RECEIVES A MAIDEN         CEO,  Dato’ Azman  Shah  Mohd
            9 May 2023. Hosted by the Marine   CALL FROM HAPAG-LLOYD                Yusof and the Management team
            Department of Malaysia, the purpose   The maiden call was received from    of Northport. The purpose of the
            of the visit was to expose the                                          visit was to explore trade business
            delegates to the International Ship   Hapag-Lloyd on the VIS (Vietnam Indonesia   in the Middle East and North Africa
            and Port Facility Security compliance   Straits) Service with the vessel namely Cat Lai   as well as to strengthen business
            standards within the port terminal.   Express. During the event, the management   relations between Northport and
            The delegation was welcomed by   of  Penang Port  welcomed  Captain  Guo
            Northport’s CEO, Dato’ Azman Shah   Huaigen, the Master of the Vessel and   IRISL. The delegation was then
            Mohd Yusof and the Management    Glenn Barter, Senior Manager of Operations,    taken for a tour of Northport for an
            team of Northport. Besides Northport,   Hapag-Lloyd Business Services (Malaysia)   in-depth experience of the port’s
            the  programme  was  also  held  at     Sdn Bhd at North Butterworth Container   operations and facilities. 
            other  port  terminals  including  Terminal (NBCT) to oversee the operational
            Westports, PTP and Johor Port.   activities carried out by the vessel.
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