Page 9 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 9

2023 APRIL - JUNE ISSUE       9

                               RECOGNISING EMPLOYEE TALENTS AT OUR PORTS

                           The Best Crane Operator Award for Container and Conventional Terminals by Johor Port
                           is part of the Company’s Employee Recognition initiatives that aims to positively impact its
                           employees’ morale, motivation and productivity through the recognition of their contributions
                           towards excellence. The year of award ceremony was conducted on 20 March 2023,
                           where  three  selected  employees  were  awarded  the  Best  QC  Operator  Award  and  three
                           selected employees were awarded the Best RTG Operator Award under Container Terminal
                           Department. Meanwhile, six selected employees under Conventional Terminal Department
                           were awarded with the Best Crane Operator Award.

                           With motivation and excellence instilled in the core of its people, Johor Port will continue its
                           journey to delivering excellent performance as the Southern Gateway Multi-Purpose Port and
                           grow its people to achieve greater heights.

                           Best Employee of the Month Award Programme by Northport is an event dedicated to
                           recognising the efforts of outstanding employees. The award presentations took place
                           across two sessions, specifically in September 2022 and February 2023, to honour
                           outstanding performers in the year of 2022. A total of 156 employees were acknowledged
                           with these awards, selected based on monthly performance evaluations conducted by the
                           division’s Employee Relations unit. The recipients of the awards were various departments
                           including the Terminal Operations Division, including Container Services, Conventional Cargo
                           Services, Logistics and Free Zone Services and Marine Services.

                           Advanced Technical Trainer Programme (ATT) by PTP, a programme lasting for 2 years,
                           held a graduation ceremony at the Jen Hotel, Puteri Harbour, recognising 17 selected
                           high-performance technicians who completed the programme and are successfully promoted
                           as  Advanced  Technology  Trainers.  Moving  forward,  these  trainers  will  be  part  of  L&D’s
                           maintenance training programmes, delivering on-the-job technical training for both fresh and
                           current technicians.

                           Lean  For  All  Programme  by  PTP, a collaborative programme dedicated to empowering
                           employees to identifying and solving operational problems in Port Premises. To date,
                           this programme have led to a total 673 staff graduating as Lean Practitioners, with four
                           members of PTP staff having also been successfully certified as Global WoW-Lean Trainers after
                           completing 100 hours of training at Port of Abidjan, Port of Rotterdam & Port of Tangier earlier
                           this  year.  This  programme  has  ultimately  led  to  the  successful  implementation  of  6  Kaizen
                           Events across departments, including the consequence management process improvement,
                           Rubber Tyre Gantry (RTG) Mega workshop development, and reduction of technical safety

          Johor Port celebrated its employees through  the  recognition   Johor Port signed a Letter of Intent with UTHM as the Academic
          and contributions towards excellence.                Collaboration Partner at the UTHM Main Campus in Johor.
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