Page 5 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 5

2023 APRIL - JUNE ISSUE       5

                                      WORLD-CLASS TALENT DEVELOPMENT

          To date,  all MMC ports held many key development initiatives to cultivate future growth in their respective development
          pipelines, strategically planned and implemented for different groups. These comprise of leadership, technical,
          core skill training sessions, and engagement opportunities with top management, specifically targeted towards
          employees in both operational and management fields.

          This section highlights each port’s staff development initiatives in detail as they look towards developing MMC’s
          key industry leaders for tomorrow:


              Development and Excellence programmes for Supervisor      Team Building Programmes supported for all divisions at
              (Operations), Management and Executive levels,      various venues.
              which saw a total of 180 participants.              PTP Internal Trainers Workshop for both beginner
              Railway Track Training Programme in collaboration with   and  experienced  internal  trainers  from  Learning  &
              Akademi KTM MyRa to refresh and upskill Engineering   Department, Ops Training, Health, Safety, Security and
              and Facility Division engineers and technicians     Environment (HSSE) and Transformation Departments.
              regarding the inspection, maintenance and safety of      Young Talent Development Programmes were held for
              railway tracks in PTP.
                                                                  entry-level talents to fill them in for the port industry’s
              Asset Reliability Programme, a series of coaching   niche technical or industrial areas. 2022 saw four
              sessions aimed at upskilling 6 Reliability Engineers   young talent programmes, i.e., Port Operations Planning
              as technology and data driven leaders in port       Apprentice (POPA), Young Engineer Apprentice
              maintenance, standardised processes and predictive   Programme  (YEAP),  Material  Planning  Apprentice
              technologies.                                       Programme, and IT Graduate Programme being held.
              Advanced Technical Trainer Programme, which aimed
               to  build  an  internal  network  of  advanced  technical
               trainers in the Engineering and Facilities Division
               as well as quickly onboard new talent.


              Advanced Management Development Programme          with the aim of instilling high performance and
              Second and Third Cohort held respectively for       collaboration amongst the marine pilots.
              56 identified high-potential management talents seen       Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption (ABAC) Seminar,
              as successors to critical positions.
                                                                  which saw the attendance of more than 400 participants.

              Professional Master in Port Management Programme      Collaboration  initiatives with Universiti Teknologi  Mara
              was launched in collaboration with Universiti Teknologi   (UiTM  Kampus  Pasir  Gudang),  Pusat  Latihan  Tinggi
              Malaysia (UTM), held for 21 participants across     (ADTEC)  Batu  Pahat  and  Institut  Latihan  Perindustrian
              10 sessions.                                        (ILP) Pasir Gudang, offering facets of Industrial Training
              Marine Pilot Teambuilding Programme, a two days and   and Employment Opportunities for Technical Students
              one night programme held amongst 44 marine pilots   while also offering staff development for current Johor
              across four sessions. These sessions were conducted   Port staff.
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