Page 3 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
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2023 APRIL - JUNE ISSUE       3


          Welcome aboard to the fifth edition of
          MMC Ports’ quarterly newsletter!

          This issue covers the latest of MMC Ports’ activities as   Recognising the key role our people play for both our
          we surge through the middle of the year at a progressive   present and future ahead, our main story “Nurturing
          pace while meticulously carrying out mandates and    Tomorrow’s Leaders: Talent Development Initiatives”
          initiatives announced.                               focuses on  recent talent development  initiatives,
                                                               detailing each port’s efforts to upskill and develop all
          Global performance metrics show that growth          in their respective expertises.
          momentum continued to improve during the first half
          of 2023, driven by the continual reopening of China’s   As outlined in detail in the ‘Around Our Ports’ sections,
          services  post-pandemic  as  well  as  lowered  energy   this fruitful period has also seen multiple ports achieve
          prices. However, sticky inflation and residual effects of    various milestones and awards through their steadfast
          previous monetary policy indicate a slower start to the   commitment towards excellence, notably with Northport
          second half of the year compared to the previous six   winning British Safety Council’s International Safety
          months.                                              Award and PTP being a finalist in BMCC’s Business
                                                               Excellence Award under the Outstanding ESG category.
          Meanwhile, market demand for international maritime
          trade involving  the Asia Pacific  region  has generally   Sailing towards the second half of the year,
          stabilised,  improving  with  expectations  for  a  volume   MMC  Ports  hopes  to  ride  upon  this  positive  wave  of
          increase during the summer and less overall waiting    momentum, striding towards even more progressive
          time across trades.                                  innovations and milestones.

          To adapt and position ourselves towards long-term    With that, thank you for being a part of MMC Ports’
          successes in the second half of 2023, all MMC        year! Do read on for an exclusive overview of our
          Ports have  dedicated themselves  to implementing    progress and forecast to navigate the months ahead.
          announced initiatives and cultivating further plans to
          define a successful year, innovating towards achieving
          sustainable  success  on  all  operational  fronts  through
          the collective power of our people.
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