Page 4 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 4


          Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders:

          Talent Development Initiatives

          At MMC Ports, we celebrate and                                To that end, it is our utmost prerogative

          acknowledge our people as our most                            to nurture and empower our people
                                                                        towards achieving their fullest potential
          valuable assets across all ports, operating in                and professional aspirations. We have
          tandem as the lifeblood and beating heart                     dedicated  multiple training sessions and
          that propels the organisation to greater                      initiatives  throughout the years to  constantly
                                                                        ensure growth opportunities for all on both
          heights. The development and upskilling                       personal and professional facets, as well as
          of everyone’s capabilities, growth and                        programmes to train and educate the
                                                                        nation’s up-and-coming talents to nurture the
          confidence are vital towards driving our                      Malaysian port industry’s upcoming prospects.
          operations forward as a collective unit,                      MMC Ports’ training and development

          with a highly trained workforce essential to                  initiatives are outlined and summarised
          maximise productive performance for our                       in the following sections, offering you an
                                                                        inside scoop into our efforts to spearhead
          stakeholders on a daily basis.                                tomorrow’s industrial pioneers.
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