Page 6 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_APRIL-JUNE_ISSUE
P. 6


          Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders:
          Talent Development Initiatives

              NORTHPORT (MALAYSIA) BHD (NORTHPORT)                          PENANG PORT SDN BHD
                                                                                (PENANG PORT)
             Train  the  Trainers  Programme  (TTT)  under  Northport     A Memorandum of Understanding of smart
              International Centre of Excellence (NICE). NICE continued its   collaboration between Penang Port and
              TTT  programme  throughout 2022, where 15 new participants   Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) signed
              from  different  divisions and departments, including the Chief   on 26 September 2022, seeing both
              Executive Officer were sent for training. These  individuals   parties cooperate in initiating programmes
              successfully completed the programme and obtained            involving the exchange of staff, joint
              certification  as  Human  Resource  Development  Corporation
              trainers. As a result, the number of NICE trainers has grown     academic  programmes, joint  research  and
              significantly, surpassing 40 trainers who possessed expertise     development programmes, joint workshops
              in delivering training sessions.                             and training programmes; exchange of
              Inclusive  Leadership  Management  for  39  employees  holding   publication with consent of both parties,
              key positions in operations. The programme aimed to facilitate   and any other academic linkages that are
              a transformation in the behaviour and mindset of the team,    mutually identified.
              aligning their talents with the demands of today’s global        Employee Career Advancement Programme
              business environment.                                        (E-CAP) 1.0 – A collaborative effort between
              Managing  Performance  Course  by  Asia  School  of  Business   Penang Port and USM launched with the
              with participation of two talents identified under the Managing   aim of gaining knowledge, experience, and
              Critical Position (MCP) Group.                               competency in structural examination of
              PDC-Celemi Gamification Programme in Business Finance with   port cranes. This programme covers  two
              the participation of two employees identified under MCP and   qualifications thus far, which is Professional
              High Potentials Talents (HIPO) group.                        Diploma in Mechanical Structure and
              Supply Chain Innovation: ‘How Can Technology Create A       Integrity Inspection with Lean Management
              Sustainable  Future’ which  is a  course  aimed  at  providing     from January 2023 - December 2023,
              participants with exposure to supply chains that fulfil future   and Certificate in Machine Vision for Image
              economic, environmental, and social demands.                 Inspection and Application of Digital Image
              Port Logistics Programme with APEC-Port of Antwerp, Belgium.   from May 2023 - June 2023.
              The programme comprised of five modules and was crafted      E-CAP 2.0 – An upcoming smart collaboration
              to provide comprehensive training from experienced port      programme with Politeknik Seberang Perai
              professionals.                                               that aims to facilitate and provide various
              External  Assessment  by  Kincentric,  a  course  structured  to   mechanisms and platforms for Penang Port’s
              identify, assess, coach and develop leadership talent, enabling   employees (support group). This programme
              them to thrive in a competitive global economy and drive     encompasses a 12 month initiative in
              employee engagement amid changing conditions.                Professional  Diploma  in  Logistics  and
              Harvard Management and Spark Programme from 1 November      Supply Chain Management (PDLSCM), to be
              2022 to 10 January 2023 with the participation of an employee   conducted from October 2023 - September
              identified under HIPO group.                                 2024 for 25 personnel.


              Basic Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting, an in-house   the movement of goods, bill of lading, port planning,
              training  module  for  organisational  employees.   required documentation in port, and the future of the
              This programme strengthens the knowledge of staff in fire   shipping and port industry.
              dynamics and firefighting competency in the workplace     Audit Keselamatan Pelabuhan (DG Cargo). The scope of
              when faced with fire incidents and emergencies.     the audit is focused on the management and handling
             Permantapan Undang-Undang Kepolisan Anggota         of containerised dangerous cargo, break bulk/dry bulk,
              Polis Bantuan, a course organised by the Johor Port   liquid bulk and Emergency Response Plan in the port.
              Authority  for  Officers  and  Auxiliary  Police  Members,   Klang Port Authority was the secretariat in charge of
              aimed  at  preparing  all  in  carrying  out  their  duties  in   the audit.
              accordance  with  the latest  acts and  laws provided      Management Development Programme, covering topics
              by the Royal Malaysia Police. Apart from that,      such  as  Emotional  Intelligence  For  Leaders,  Coaching
              this  programme  also  enables  their  awareness  of   Essentials, Managing Multiple Tasks and Work Priorities,
              functions and legislations while strengthening ethics     Business Simulations: Celemi Apples and Oranges,
              and integrity in their day-to-day operations at the port.  Self-Directed  and  Self-Motivated,  as well  as  Creativity
              Shipping and Port Management Programme, a two-day     and Problem Solving.
              course for port officers aimed at enhancing         Other training and skill development initiatives for
              fundamental understanding of maritime transportation,   employees include: ISPS Internal Auditor Course, Marine
              the roles of personnel on board the ship and the ship’s   Facility Safety Officer, Legal Aspect of Port Operations,
              operations in port. The full scope of topics covered   Accident Investigation and Reporting, as well as
              by  the  programme  includes  ship  construction,  related   Induction and On-boarding Programmes for new arrivals.
              shipping and port operational laws and regulations,
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