Page 7 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_July-Sept_ISSUE
P. 7

2023 JULY - SEPTEMBER ISSUE        7

                                               PLANNING AHEAD

          As the nation’s leading ports and companies looking to pioneer productivity, each port has engaged in progressive
          plans to improve the machinery infrastructure at their premises for the benefit of all port users and customers.

                                                                                Penang Port is currently planning on
                                                                                the purchase and delivery of several
                                                                                innovative new machines in the next
                                                                                two years. For 2024, the port is
                                                                                anticipated to receive four Empty
                                                                                Handler units and a new Reach Stacker,
                                                                                all of which serve to further improve the
                                                                                throughput and precision of container
                                                                                handling in an organised manner.
                                                                                The port has also acquired four new
                                                                                RTG Hybrid units for 2025, significantly
                                                                                enhancing its loading performance,
                                                                                streamlining operations and achieving
                                                                                higher levels of efficiency and
                                                                                sustainability in container handling
                                                                                within the yard or block areas.
          For PTP, three new Quay Cranes were   the replacement of Quay Cranes with   Tanjung Bruas Port currently has
          delivered in late July 2023, and are   newer models equipped with the latest   future plans to purchase an additional
          currently undergoing testing and   components and systems. This upgrade   Container  Reach  Stacker  to  further
          commissioning before being handed   was undertaken to improve the overall   expand its container business on
          over for operations by end September   productivity of the Container Terminal.  the newly developed open yard.
          2023. These new units will replace the   These enhancements are expected to   Upon the implementation of the new
          existing ones that have already been   optimise the handling of containers and   Reach Stacker, the port can now handle
          sold off and will be removed from the   cargo,  leading  to smoother  operations   up to 172 container slots / 600 TEUs
          quay by Q4 2023. The three units will   and a reduced number  of accidents.   at any given time.
          further improve the efficiency and   On the environmental front,  Johor Port
          productivity of operations, allowing PTP   is actively exploring the transition from   Kontena Nasional acquired 46 new
          to enhance its services for its customers.   using diesel-powered Terminal Tractors   prime movers earlier this year. With this
          Additionally, a contract for  35  new   (TT) to adopting fully battery-powered   recent acquisition, Kontena Nasional
          e-RTGs was awarded in December 2022,    TTs. This environmentally friendly   aims to reduce its carbon footprint and
          with delivery in batches starting from    transition is planned for implementation   promote environmentally responsible
          Q2 2024. A tender for another 48 new   during the next TT replacement cycle,   transportation moving forward. These
          RTG units is currently being floated,    scheduled for 2026, with the objective   efforts  are in line with Kontena’s
          with the award expected by Q4 2024.  of significantly reducing the carbon   mandate to contribute  to cost savings,
                                             footprint.                         environmental wellness and long-term
          Meanwhile,   Northport’s  recent                                      sustainability.
          acquisition of 34 RTG units (including
          11 e-RTGs) signifies a strategic move
          toward enhancing the capacity and
          competitive advantage of the Northport
          terminal. This investment is also poised
          to reduce operational costs, thereby
          promoting greater operational efficiency
          and cost-effectiveness in the long run.

          Johor Port is directing its effort toward
          replacing outdated equipment and
          introducing advanced machinery to
          boost operational capabilities. This
          includes the potential inclusion of twin-lift
          cranes in the future. A recent instance of
          the port’s modernisation efforts involved
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