Page 12 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_July-Sept_ISSUE
P. 12


          Around Our Ports

                                              JOHOR PORT PARTICIPATES
                                              IN MALAYSIA SDG SUMMIT:
                                              ISKANDAR MALAYSIA
                                              SUSTAINABILITY SUMMIT 2023

                                             From 8 to 10 August 2023, Johor Port
                                             participated in the Iskandar Malaysia
                                             Sustainability  Summit 2023 organised   PTP WELCOMES DELEGATION
                                                                                 FROM ISKANDAR MALAYSIA
           PENANG PORT EXTENDS A             by Iskandar Region Development      SUSTAINABILITY SUMMIT (IMSS)
           WARM WELCOME TO NAMSUNG           Authority (IRDA). The event was held   2023
           SHIPPING ON THEIR MAIDEN          at Sunway Hotel Big Box, Sunway City
           VOYAGE                            Iskandar Puteri, Johor.            PTP welcomed a delegation on 8 August
                                             The three-day sustainability summit   2023, consisting of 30 participants from
          Namsung Shipping, represented by   successfully gathered more than 400   the Iskandar Malaysia Sustainability
          QEL Shipping Services Sdn Bhd, made   participants from the Government,   Summit 2023 (IMSS 2023) Conference,
          its maiden voyage on 4 August 2023 at   private  and  community  sectors  led by Adny  Ahmad, Senior  Vice
          North Butterworth Container Terminal   in support of the United Nations   President of Economic and Investment,
          (NBCT), Penang Port on its Korea China   Sustainable  Development  Goals (SDG)   Iskandar Region Development Authority.
          Service (KCS) service. This service   through 17 keynotes and panel sessions
          route involved: Shekou - Singapore -   by renowned experts, industry pioneers   The familiarisation visit began with an
          Westports - Penang - Singapore - Ho   and  influential  decision-makers,    in-depth  presentation  on  PTP’s
          Chi Minh City (Cat Lai), Nansha - Busan   all committed to driving positive change.  operational performance, the port’s
          - Kwangyang - Shanghai.                                               beginnings and current progress with
                                             The participation of Johor Port was   its ongoing development, sustainability
          In a gesture of mutual appreciation   part  of  the  stakeholder  engagement   initiatives and PTP’s contribution to
          and solidarity, an exchange of a   initiative  to  strengthen  the  relationship   the port industry towards the nation’s
          commemorative plaque was done      with Government officials, agencies as   economic growth.
          between Dato’ Sasedharan Vasudevan,   well as industry stakeholders.  The visit also included a comprehensive
          CEO of Penang Port, Captain Yuan Hong                                 tour of PTP’s IT Smart Lab, SOCSO
          Xing, Master of M.V SITC MINGCHENG                                    Rehabilitation Centre (FitPort), and
          and Mr. Micheal Loh, Penang Branch                                    Asset Digitisation Room before ending
          Manager of QEL Shipping Service Sdn                                   the visit with an extensive Terminal and
          Bhd. Also present were representatives                                Free Zone Tour.
          from Penang Port, Namsung Shipping
          and QEL Shipping Services Sdn Bhd.                                    The IMSS 2023 Conference took
                                                                                place on 8 to 10 August 2023, held in
                                                                                conjunction with Malaysia SDG Summit:
                                                                                Southern Region Expo 2023, at Sunway
                                                                                Big Box, Iskandar Puteri, Johor.

                                              NORTHPORT BOWLING
                                              CHALLENGE 2023

                                             Northport organised its annual Northport
                                             Bowling Challenge for its customers
                                             and business partners at Sunway Mega
                                             Lanes, Sunway Pyramid Shopping
           19  MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL        Centre. The event was part of a series   KONTENA NASIONAL CELEBRATES
           HALAL SHOWCASE (MIHAS) 2023       of programmes planned by Northport   ITS 52  ANNIVERSARY AND
                                             to celebrate the 60  anniversary of port   RETIREES APPRECIATION DAY
         Northport strengthened its commitment   operations in Northport. The objective
         to promote the Company’s Halal initiative   of this annual sporting event is to unite   Kontena Nasional has successfully
         through its participation  in MIHAS   industry players, offer opportunities for   organised  its  52 nd   Anniversary
         2023, held from 12 to 15 September   networking as well as to strengthen   celebration at its Petaling Jaya
         2023 at the Malaysia International     relationships with customers.   Headquarters and nationwide branches,
         Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC),                                   celebrating its years of excellence and
         Kuala Lumpur. Northport’s participation                                innovation with current employees
         in the exhibition aimed at attracting                                  while also taking the opportunity to
         business communities, especially                                       commemorate the efforts of 13 retired
         Halal industry players, exporters and                                  employees with replicas of the Prime
         importers to participate in its Halal Silk                             Mover as a token of appreciation for their
         Route initiative.                                                      dedication, hard work and contributions
                                                                                to Kontena Nasional.
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