Page 11 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_July-Sept_ISSUE
P. 11

2023 JULY - SEPTEMBER ISSUE        11

          Around Our Ports

                                              JOHOR PORT PARTNERS WITH
                                              PT PELINDO JASA MARITIM TO
           THE LAUNCH OF NEW FERRY           Johor Port entered into an agreement   PTP RENEWS COLLABORATION
           OPERATIONS                        with PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim to enhance   WITH UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA
                                             the Maritime sector and foster stronger   TERENGGANU (UMT)
          Penang Port launched the new ferry   bilateral  relations  between  both  PTP  successfully  renewed  a
          operations at Pangkalan Raja Tun   organisations.
          Uda on 17 August 2023, marking     The Agreement Signing ceremony took   Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
          a  significant  milestone  in  Penang’s   place on 28 July 2023 at Renaissance   with  UMT  to  enhance  collaboration
          transportation  history.  The  new  ferry   Hotel, Johor Bahru, signed between   in talent development, research
          operations are set to transform the way   Md Derick Basir, Johor Port’s Chief   development and the sharing of
          people travel in Penang and provide   Executive  Officer  (CEO)  and  Rachmat   expertise in maritime technology,
          a more convenient, efficient and     Prayogi, PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim’s   port management and other related
          eco-friendly mode of transportation   Director of Human Resources.    fields of interest as part of the efforts in
          for locals and tourists alike. The event   Under the Agreement, Johor Port,   boosting the maritime sector in Malaysia.
          marked a significant milestone for the   through its JP Skills Centre (JPSC)   The signing ceremony was held at
          ferry operations in Penang, ushering   and  the  Marine Services  Department   the Port Briefing Room, Wisma A PTP
          in  a  new  era  of  enhanced  passenger   will provide a full range of marine   between Marco Neelsen, CEO of PTP
          experience and convenience. With this   services for all vessels within the Pasir
          launch, the company aims to provide   Gudang Port Limits, while also vowing   and Professor Dato’ Dr. Mazlan Abd
          a revolutionised enjoyable travel   to explore potential collaborations and   Ghaffar, Vice-Chancellor, UMT.
          experience for all passengers, fostering   opportunities with PT Pelindo Jasa   Over the past five years, both UMT and
          a positive impact on the local community   Maritim in the following scopes:   PTP  have  collaborated  and  delivered
          and economy.                                                          Work  Based  Learning  programmes  for
                                             •  Human   Capital   Development
          The launch event was officiated by the   services  to  increase  existing  internship as well as industry attachment
          Yang di-Pertua Negeri Pulau Pinang   potential,  especially in  the  Maritime   programmes.  Through  this,  PTP  has
          Tun Dato’ Seri Utama Ahmad Fuzi Bin   field                           identified and absorbed the UMT
          Haji Abdul Razak, and saw the notable   •  Service  Provision  cooperation  in  the   students into the PTP Port Operations
          attendances of guests such as the Chief   field of Marine, Equipment and Port   Planning Apprentice programme since
          Minister of Penang, YAB Chow Kon     Services                         2017.
          Yeow, Malaysia’s Transport Minister,   •  Marketing  Development  cooperation
          YB Anthony Loke Siew Fook, Penang    in the field of Marine, Equipment and
          State Government Secretary, YB Dato’   Port Services
          Mohd Sayuthi Bin Bakar and other key
          government-affiliated stakeholders.   50  ANNIVERSARY OF CONTAINERISATION AT PORT KLANG
          Their presence at the event reflects
          the significance of this landmark   Northport  commemorated  its  50
          occasion for the region and highlights
          the collaborative efforts to enhance   anniversary of containerisation event
          the public transportation infrastructure   at Wharf 8A, Container Terminal 1 (CT1),
          of  Penang.  The  official  ceremony   Northport. This commemorative event
          and overall ferry service marks the   stood as a testament to the lasting
          company’s unwavering commitment    impact of containerisation at Port Klang,
          to innovation, efficiency and customer   honouring the past while also embracing
          satisfaction.                      the future of maritime innovation.
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