Page 13 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_July-Sept_ISSUE
P. 13

2023 JULY - SEPTEMBER ISSUE        13

                                                                                 TANJUNG BRUAS PORT
                                              JOHOR PORT PARTICIPATES IN         PARTICIPATES IN THE WEBINAR
           MANUFACTURERS ON THE              Johor Port participated in the Johor    In  conjunction  with  Port  Klang
           PROPOSED CONTAINER FEEDER         State  Level  National  Day  parade   Authority’s 60  Anniversary celebrations
           SERVICE                           in  conjunction  with  Malaysia’s  this year, Tanjung Bruas Port participated
                                             Independence Day. Held at Dataran   in a Webinar titled “Maritime  Security:
          Melaka will soon introduce its first   Bandaraya Johor Bahru, this year’s   Challenges Of A Trading Nation” at
          feeder  service  which  is  the delivery   theme   Tekad  Perpaduan  Penuhi  PKA headquarters. This Webinar was
          of containers by sea from Tanjung   Harapan was aimed at instilling   organised to provide industry players
          Bruas Port - Port Klang and vice versa.     patriotism, sporting spirit and unity   with a comprehensive understanding
          The service thus became a new starting   among people.                of the various security challenges
          point in stimulating maritime activities     The event saw the participation of   faced by a nation involved in maritime
          as well as catalysing the economic   more than 100 contingents from     trade. A total of 380 ports and logistics
          growth of the State of Melaka.     various sectors, being a truly meaningful   players and practitioners from all over
                                             event for Johor Port’s contingent to   the country participated in this webinar
          To  introduce  this  new  service,   celebrate Malaysia’s 66  Independence
          Invest Melaka Berhad and its CEO,   Day with bursting pride and colours.  session,  with  representatives  from the
          Datuk  Ginie  Lim  Siew Lin  publicised                               port terminals and industry associations
          and explained the service to industry   More than 50 employees of Johor   also invited to physically attend.
          players in the State of Melaka including   Port mainly from the Port Safety and
                                             Security Department participated in
          notable figures from the Federation   the event, with Johor Port winning the
          of Malaysian Manufacturers and     Best Merdeka Banner, Best Parade
          Chamber of Commerce, introducing   and  second  runner-up  for  Best
          the service as the first of its kind to be   Costume at the parade.
          organised among ports nationwide.
          Through  a  productive  dialogue  session
          with service providers and industry
          players, the initiative received a very
          encouraging response with about 65                                     HANDOVER CEREMONY OF THE
          companies and 86 representatives                                       NEW SIDELOADER AT KONTENA
          from all over Melaka participating in the                              NASIONAL
          Also present during the session was   PROGRAM SEMARAK GEMILANG        Kontena Nasional organised a new
          Tanjung Bruas Port Sdn Bhd Director,   2023                           sideloader handover ceremony at
          Md Derick Basir, who commented                                        its Port Klang Branch, involving the
          that the feeder service was primarily   Northport hosted the Program Semarak   presentation  and  handing over  of
          introduced to reduce the volume of   Gemilang  2023  in  conjunction  with   the  mock  key in  conjunction  with  the
          road deliveries, lessening the levels of   the 2023 National Day and Malaysia   purchase of six units of side loaders
          carbon emissions and traffic congestion   Day celebrations. The programme,     from Steelbro (M) Sdn Bhd to Kontena
          caused by high road transport volumes   co-organised with the Selangor   Nasional.
                                             Department of Information Services,
          and high generation of containers   took place at Wharf 8A in Northport.   The purchase of this sideloader is
          (100,000 per year).                Program Semarak Gemilang 2023      among one of the Company’s initiatives
                                             is one of the Government’s initiatives   to improve and upgrade the existing
                                             to foster a sense of unity and     sideloaders to advance the Company’s
                                             strengthen  the love for the nation   ability to satisfy the evolving needs of
                                             by  flying the  Jalur Gemilang with the    its customers.
                                             involvement and collaboration with
                                             various Government and private
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