Page 16 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_July-Sept_ISSUE
P. 16


          Around Our Ports

                                              PTP RECEIVES INAUGURAL
                                              WORKING VISIT BY THE
                                              COMMISSIONER OF POLICE

                                             PTP received an inaugural visit from
                                             the Commissioner of Police, Datuk
                                             Aidi bin Ismail, Bukit Aman Director
                                             of Crime Prevention and Community
           JOHOR PORT WELCOMES VISIT         Safety Department and its delegation. The delegation was warmly welcomed by
           BERHAD                            PTP’s Head of Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Sustainability Division,
                                             Khairul Amalin Abd Rahman and several PTP management teams.
          Johor Port received a courtesy visit from   The familiarisation visit was part of PTP and  Royal  Malaysian  Police  stakeholder
          Bintulu Port Holdings Berhad (BPHB) on   engagement programme that aims to strengthen bilateral relations between both
          5 July 2023. The BPHB delegation was   parties.
          led by their CEO, Ruslan Abdul Ghani
          and was warmly welcomed by the CEO
          of Johor Port, Md Derick Basir, together   JOHOR PORT WELCOMES VISIT
          with the Johor Port management team.   BY ROYAL MALAYSIAN CUSTOMS
          During  the  visit,  the  delegates  were   DEPARTMENT
          provided with a presentation on the
          Port’s operations and its ongoing   Johor Port received a courtesy visit
          development by Edwin Gerard Louis   from the Royal Malaysian Customs
          Rosary, Head  of  Operations  of  Johor   Department, led by its Director General,
          Port.                              YBhg. Dato’ Haji Zazuli Johan.
          To provide a first-hand  experience,     The delegation was warmly welcomed
          the delegation was then taken on a                                     DEPUTY MINISTER OF
          guided tour of the Port, allowing them   by the Johor Port’s CEO, Md Derick   TRANSPORT VISIT TO PTP
          to view the facilities, infrastructure and   Basir, together with the Johor Port
          live operations; hence further enhancing   management team. To provide a   PTP welcomed YB Datuk Haji Hasbi
          their understanding of Johor Port’s   first-hand experience, the Malaysian   Haji  Habibollah,  Deputy  Minister
          capabilities.                      Customs Department delegations were
                                             taken  on  a guided  tour  of  the  Port,   of Transport as part of the Deputy
                                             allowing  them  to view  the facilities,   Minister’s familiarisation visit to PTP,
                                             infrastructure and live operations; hence   organised by Johor Port Authority (JPA).
                                             further enhancing their understanding   The inaugural working visit began with
                                             of Johor Port’s capabilities.      an in-depth presentation on PTP’s
                                                                                business and operational performance,
                                                                                current and future development as well
                                              PTP RECEIVES WORKING              as PTP’s contribution towards Malaysia,
                                              VISIT FROM THE INDONESIAN         specifically Johor’s port industry and
                                              DELEGATION                        logistics sustainability.
           VISIT FROM MAYBANK AND ASIA       PTP received a working visit from
           SCHOOL OF BUSINESS                Bapak  Fajar  Wahyudi,  President
                                             Director Citra Tubindo TBK and
          On  3  July  2023,  Northport  received   delegation from PT Sarana Citranusa
          a  visit  from the senior leaders of   Kabil Group.
          Maybank from Malaysia and across the
          region. The delegation was welcomed   The delegation was warmly welcomed
          by Northport’s CEO, Dato’ Azman Shah   by the PTP’s CEO, Marco Neelsen and
          Mohd Yusof and the management team   members of the PTP management
          of Northport. The visitors were then   team. Also in attendance were Asyraf
          given a comprehensive tour of Northport,   Suhaimi, Head of Group Strategy and
          providing  them with an in-depth
          understanding of the port’s operations   Investments  of MMC Corporation
          and facilities.  The purpose of this   Berhad  and  Dinesh  Shanker,  General
          educational visit organised by the Asian   Manager of Key Business Account
          School of Business,  was to broaden     (Container) of Johor Port Berhad.
          the horizons of Maybank leaders
          through exposure to various industries.
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