Page 3 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_Oct-Dec_ISSUE
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2023 OCTOBER - DECEMBER ISSUE          3


          Welcome aboard to the seventh edition of

          MMC Ports’ quarterly newsletter!

          This issue highlights the latest initiatives   As the guiding light that paves our   Penarafan Bintang Sasaran Penting
          and upcoming plans as MMC Ports looks   direction, the role of good governance   2023 under the Key Point ll category,
          to conclude the year on a high amidst   has always been an integral part of each   PTP receiving the prestigious UN Global
          a challenging operating landscape,   MMC port’s latest policies and measures.   Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei
          charting out good prospects for 2024.   This is prominently highlighted in this   Forward Faster Sustainability Award
                                             issue’s featured story “Establishing   under the main Enterprise Category:
          The container shipping industry faced   Trust: Championing Integrity & Good   ‘The Forward Faster Sustainability
          multiple logistical challenges throughout   Governance”.              Award – Gender Equality’, and Penang
          Q4 2023, such as an oversupply of                                     Port achieving a breakthrough milestone
          container capacity, subdued demand,   To  continuously  deliver  service  with the attainment of its highest-ever
          disruptions from natural disasters,   excellence in anticipation of next year’s   monthly  volume  for  container  handling
          and  market  volatility,  with  continuous   improved  market  conditions,  all  MMC   in Q4.
          downside risks and a lowered peak   ports are poised to make their mark
          season demand also expected during   through constant on-site improvements   With all ports finishing up the year on
          the period due to high US inventory   and initiatives, such as Tanjung Bruas’   a high note, we are collectively poised
          levels prolonging destocking activities.  latest reclamation operation, Northport's   and prepared for the following year’s
                                             MoU with the Transportation, Ports and   challenges through several key plans
          However, the global container volume   Shipping  Bureau  of  Yangpu  Economic   outlined in the “On The Horizon” section.
          growth  for  2024  is  also  forecasted  to   Development Zone to enhance trade
          improve from 3.5% to 4.5% this year.   links between Port Klang in Malaysia   As we bid 2023 adieu, we extend our
          The anticipation of this increased,  yet   and the Hainan Province in the People's   deepest appreciation for being a part
          hampered growth is due to delayed   Republic  of  China,    and  other  notable   of our ongoing journey as well as for
          volume recovery in many key trades   milestones as highlighted in the “Around   reading the MMC Ports' newsletter
          caused by tight financial conditions   Our Ports” section.            publications. Here’s to exploring greater
          for  businesses  and  consumers.  With                                horizons ahead together for 2024!
          larger vessels to be added to the global   Our ports have  also been recognised
          fleets next year, the smaller vessels will   for their strides and achievements in
          cascade into the intra-Asia trade lanes.   their respective fields for the year, with
                                             Northport bagging Anugerah Perdana
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