Page 7 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_Oct-Dec_ISSUE
P. 7

2023 OCTOBER - DECEMBER ISSUE          7


          Ensuring trust, reliability, and ethics in all aspects of operation are essential to the optimal cohesion and reputation
          of  the port,  playing  a  big  part in  maintaining  public  trust  and preventing  unnecessary  and  immoral  waste  of
          resources. To that end, each port has prepared a varied range of anti-corruption and compliance measures as


           Northport is the first Malaysian port to be certified under ISO37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) in 2020 and
           currently has a comprehensive range of key governance policies and codes covering ethics, auditing standards, anti-corruption/
           whistleblowing channels, audit exercise, workplace safety and conduct, procurement and tender, and other considerations.
           In line with these, Northport ensures adherence to both local and international maritime operational regulations and legal
           frameworks at all times with the involvement of established compliance measures, robust financial controls, and decision-
           making protocols, while also recently instituting policies to manage and secure information systems on the cyber front.

           From a financial standpoint, Northport implements robust financial controls to effectively manage budgetary constraints,
           prevent fraud, and ensures financial accountability. This involves comprehensive processes for budgeting, financial reporting,
           decision-making and auditing in place to maintain fiscal integrity, with regular internal audits conducted at Northport to assess
           the effectiveness of risk management and internal control measures.

           PENANG PORT

           Penang Port established clear procedures and defined authorities on financial, human resources, and relevant business as well
           as operational processes. The establishment of the ABAC  Policy, Whistleblowing Policy, Gift Procedure and Vendor Integrity
           Pact will further enhance integrity and governance, supported by the monitoring and reporting of material risks that could affect
           the Company to the AC and Risk Management Committee (RMC) along with related controls and action plans.

           Penang Port has been certified under ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems (ABMS) that recognised its initiatives
           in fighting bribery and corruption. Periodical review and audit are also regularly conducted to ensure that ABMS meets the
           standard requirements.


           PTP established the PTP ABAC Policy and Framework as part of its initiatives to strengthen governance practices, with a
           comprehensive implementation plan also being established to communicate and disseminate the ABAC principles to all
           employees including the BODs, the Senior Management Team, and business associates. This is achieved through consistent
           awareness initiatives, engagement and training for employees of all levels. External stakeholders are also engaged to keep
           them informed regarding these areas.

           PTP also maintains a Whistleblower platform for employees and external stakeholders to report wrongdoings, grievances and
           violations without fear of retaliation. PTP takes a straightforward zero-tolerance approach to corruption, striving to develop,
           document, implement, and continuously improve a functioning integrity management system as a steadfast tool to mitigate
           potential violations and enhance company performance.

              Tackling corruption is everyone’s responsibility, and only through cooperation and the

              involvement of each and every one of us, we can overcome the negative and far-reaching
              impact of bribery and corruption. When we act together, we can make a difference in this
              fight against corruption.         Macro Neelsen,
                                                CEO of PTP at International Anti-Corruption Day 2022
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