Page 6 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_Oct-Dec_ISSUE
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The implementation of integrity and steadfast reliability always starts from the decision-making and leadership
levels. Thus, each port has outlined several committees and divisions dedicated to ensuring constant compliance
as well as appropriate check and balance measures.
With plans to continuously expand and fortify its governance PTP’s oversight bodies, namely the Board of Directors
structure, Northport utilises multiple committees to govern (BODs) and the AC, host regular meetings to update
all facets of daily operations, transactions and decision- stakeholders on business development and direction
making processes. These include the Northport Risk besides the usual periodic reporting to the shareholders.
Management Committee, Credit Notes, Discounts and Effective oversight by a strong, active, knowledgeable, and
Rebate Committee, Management Tender Committee and independent BODs and AC furthers the port’s collective
Expenses Review Committee, assisted by internal and goal of delivering accurate and reliable information to the
external auditors. Northport also has plans to improve its stakeholders.
Integrity and Governance Unit (IGU), allocating resources
and authorities for effective oversight, guidance, and At the same time, the Internal Audit Department,
enforcement of compliance and ethical practices while the Integrity, Governance & Compliance Unit of the
facilitating a robust governance framework capable of Legal and Company Secretarial Department and the
accommodating the company’s growth. Management System Assurance Section of the Corporate
Assurance Department are responsible for reviewing
To date, Northport’s internal control measures currently the governance and compliance practices in PTP. The
involve Limits of Authority (LOA), Management Review, International Professional Practices Framework, the ISO,
Management Systems Internal Audit, Annual Internal Audit and the established standard global guidelines have been
Programme, and External Audit for Operations, Financial, adopted to ensure the effectiveness of the governance
and Management Systems. and compliance functions.
Penang Port currently has two committees dedicated to Johor Port is committed to promoting and maintaining
upholding and overseeing good governance practices: high standards of transparency, accountability, ethics and
the Audit Committee (AC) and the Risk Management integrity by establishing the Whistleblower Policy. This
Committee (RMC). policy facilitates employees and third parties raising their
genuine concerns about possible improprieties direct to
The AC acts as the governing body on matters about
integrity and governance as entrusted by the Board, the AC without fear of reprisal or Detrimental Action.
reviewing the adequacy of integrity and governance of To ensure the effective implementation of Johor Port’s
the Company and tabling it to the Board. On the other ABAC policy and programmes, the Integrity and
hand, the RMC, composed of the Chief Executive Officer Governance Unit (IGU) was established to strengthen
(CEO), Heads of Divisions and other relevant Heads integrity, governance compliance, complaints management
of Departments, are entrusted by the Board and AC to and detection and verification of improper conducts,
manage the organisation’s enterprise risk, integrity, and bribery and corruption. It is an independent function which
governance while initiating steadfast improvements reports directly to the AC on matters relating to ABAC and
required to achieve key objectives. integrity.
Kontena Nasional’s BODs act as the Anti-Bribery Tanjung Bruas Port is part of Johor Port's Group Risk
Management Programme governing body of Kontena Management Committee to review of risk profiles for
Nasional to ensure that adequate measures are in place. Enterprise Risk and Corruption Risk during quarterly
Kontena Nasional’s Top Management, in support of the meetings attended by Tanjung Bruas Port’s Head of
Anti-Bribery Management Programme, has established Company.
Kontena Nasional IGU to ensure Kontena Nasional
observes and practices the principles of good governance.
Implementation of the programme and related matters are
updated on quarterly basis, or as and when necessary, by
the Risk and Integrity Management Department to Kontena
Nasional Risk Management Committee to be apprised to
the BODs.