Page 10 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_Oct-Dec_ISSUE
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          Beyond maintaining comprehensive

          protocols and policies, it is
          imperative that all ports recognise
          the importance of instilling
          principled habits amongst its

          employees and future leaders,
          working on establishing and
          promoting integrity amongst all
          through up-to-date initiatives and


          Northport has held a series of campaigns to promote   their implementation of achieving ISO37001:2016 ABMS
          good governance practices at its premises, including   Standard Certification. This is to ensure that the company
          but not limited to appropriate training and awareness   is equipped with an effective corporate governance
          programmes to foster a culture of compliance,        system based on global best practices, to achieve Johor
          informative posters and visual aids, ABAC for new    Port’s business objectives and goals, as well as to further
          hires and tenderers, engagement campaigns as well as   meet customer and business demand.
          whistleblowing awareness sessions.
                                                               As part of their mandate,  Tanjung Bruas Port held a
          Meanwhile,  Penang Port continuously carries out     Workplace Safety Awareness Talk to promote adherence
          awareness campaigns on integrity and governance for   and awareness of port contractors regarding abiding by
          its employees, business associates and stakeholders   the safety requirements set within port premises. In line
          as  part  of  its  commitment  to  preventing  bribery  and   with the port’s yearly targeted Key Performance Indicator
          corruption. An Integrity Week/Month programme has also   to achieve zero Lost Time of Injury (LTI), it is significant for
          been conducted as part of a campaign for employees   all port contractor’s personnel to be updated regarding
          and business associates.                             the latest safety standards.
          On  PTP’s end, good governance-focused initiatives   Finally, MMC Ports’ premier supply chain solutions
          such as company-wide Consultation Clinics, Legal Day,   service provider,  Kontena Nasional, has consistently
          ESG Week, e-newsletters, contests, training sessions,   hosted multiple initiatives such as ABAC briefings,
          practical exercises and company-wide governance and   infographic posters, briefings on vendor integrity
          compliance boards are executed to increase awareness   practices, whistleblowing sessions as well as monthly
          levels of all PTP employees and other stakeholders.  social media posts in their efforts to establish integrity
                                                               amongst all in the company.
          Johor Port is spearheading ongoing  activities to raise
          awareness on integrity/good governance, in line with
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