Page 15 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_Oct-Dec_ISSUE
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2023 OCTOBER - DECEMBER ISSUE          15

          PTP received recognition from the Chartered   PTP, a joint venture between Malaysian based
          Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) as   MMC Group and Hague based APM Terminals,
          the first corporate organisation in Malaysia to   was named the winner of the Human Resource
          be certified with the CIPS Corporate Ethical   Development Corporation (HRD Corp) Awards
          Procurement and Supply. The recognition   2023  under  the  Excellence  in  Graduate
          has been given due to its outstanding effort   Development (Future Worker) and Excellence in
          in meeting world-class procurement ethical   Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET)
          standards.                         categories.
          The certification handover was done in a   The awards were presented to Marco Neelsen,
          ceremony held at Port Briefing Room, PTP by    CEO of PTP during the Awards Gala Dinner,
          the CIPS ASEAN Regional Development   officiated by YB Dato' Sri Haji Fadillah Haji Yusof,
          Advisor, Jonathan Cheung to Ts Dr. Irwana    Deputy Prime Minister II. The event also saw the
          Abdul Malek, PTP Head of Supply Chain    attendance of was YB V. Sivakumar, Minister of
          Division, and witnessed by Muhammad   Human Resources.
          Abdullah Hatta, PTP Chief Financial Officer.
                                                                                NCB HOLDINGS BHD (NCB)
                                                                                EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (EGM)
                                                                                NCB, the holding company of Northport
                                                                                convened its EGM. The special resolution on
                                                                                the Proposed Selective Capital Reduction and
                                                                                Repayment Exercise of NCB under Section 116
                                                                                of the Companies Act 2016 was duly passed
                                                                                by the non-interested shareholders of NCB
                                                                                by way of poll.
                                             LAUNCHING OF SMART ELECTRIC
                                             CONTAINER STACKER                  DISCUSSION WITH THE MALACCA EXCO
          WORLD PORTS CONFERENCE 2023                                           AND THE STATE FISHERIES OF MELAKA
                                             SITC Container Lines, one of Northport’s main
          Northport’s  CEO,  Dato’  Azman Shah Mohd   customers, launched its first SMART electric   Tanjung Bruas Port joined a meeting with
          Yusof participated as a panellist in one of the   stacker at Smart Depot Service (Malaysia)     the Malacca State Executive Council of Rural
          panel sessions at the International Association   Sdn Bhd in Bandar Sultan Suleiman,    Development, Agriculture and Food Security,
          of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) World Ports   Pelabuhan Klang. The launch of the new   Dr Muhammad Akmal Salleh, State Fisheries
          Conference 2023 held in Abu Dhabi, United   equipment  symbolised  the  commitment  of Malacca and the Marine Department to
          Arab Emirates. The session, titled 'Integrating   of Port Klang to enhance the efficiency of   discuss the realignment of ship anchoring
          a Sustainable Safety Culture in Ports' also   container handling operations while prioritising   areas in the waters of Tanjung Bruas Port. The
          featured Mike Yarwood, Managing Director of   environmentally friendly and green practices.  meeting was held with the objective to assist
          Loss Prevention at TT Club, and was moderated                         fishermen who are having difficulties with their
          by Victor Hsieh, Communications Director   PTP JOINS THE TRANSPORT LOGISTIC   daily activities.
          of IAPH. The session highlighted Northport,   SOUTHEAST ASIA TRADE FAIR
          recognised  as  an  IAPH  Sustainability  Awards                      60  ANNIVERSARY NORTHPORT GOLF AND
          winner, as a case study, where Dato’ Azman   PTP participated in the Transport Logistic   DINNER 2023
          shared Northport’s experience in managing   Southeast Asia Trade Fair, organised by Messe
          safety culture through its “Journey towards    München at the Sands Expo and Convention   Northport hosted the 60  Anniversary
          HSE Excellence” programme.         Centre, Singapore. The event has gathered   Northport Golf and Dinner 2023 at Kota Permai
                                             various key industry players to build valuable   Golf & Country Club. The event garnered strong
          NATIONAL BIOMASS CONFERENCE 2023   contacts and pioneer concrete business deals   support and participation from  72 players,
                                             and networking opportunities with industry   including Northport’s Container, Conventional
          Northport participated in the National Biomass   peers from the entire value chain.  and Logistics business customers, as well
          Conference 2023 at the Everly Putrajaya.                              as industry associations. The event aimed at
          The event, jointly organised by the Ministry   On the second day of the event, Marco Neelsen,   building lasting relationships with strategic
          of Plantation and Commodities and Malaysia   CEO of PTP shared his views on the topic of   stakeholders by engaging in sporting activities
          Biomass  Industries  Confederation,  aimed  at   “Pioneering Innovations in Malaysian Logistics”,   while expressing appreciation for their
          fostering a comprehensive understanding   hosted by Malaysian Investment Development   unwavering support in fostering the Company’s
          of biomass utilisation and its pivotal role in   Authority (MIDA).    growth.
          Environment,  Social  and  Governance  (ESG)
          initiatives. Northport’s CEO, Dato’ Azman Shah
          Mohd Yusof, participated as a panellist in one
          of the sessions titled ‘Issues Related to Biomass
          Certification and Sustainability’.
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