Page 14 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_Oct-Dec_ISSUE
P. 14


          Johor Port inked a MoU with ABUPI, a body representing private Terminals, Ports and Indonesian
          Entrepreneurs as well as being the parent organisation of national companies involved in port services,
          including Badan Usaha Pelabuhan, Terminal Khusus and Terminal Untuk Kepentingan Sendiri.
          The MoU signing ceremony was witnessed by esteemed members of both organisations in a
          collaborative spirit to pursue a 3-year strategic partnership that aims to foster synergies in Maritime
          Training and Consultation services.

          2023 AWARD                         SESSION AND DISCUSSION ON CLIMATE   DISCOVERY 2
          Northport, together with Port Klang Authority                         Penang Port proudly received a maiden call
          (PKA) and  Westports,  received the GPAS   PTP participated in the Asia Pacific Climate   from Marella Discovery 2 at Swettenham Pier
          2023 as a testament to Port Klang’s   Week, an annual event held at Persada Johor   Cruise Terminal (SPCT), George Town. Penang
          unwavering commitment to championing   International Convention Centre, Johor Bahru   Port and Marella Discovery 2 exchanged
          sustainable  development,  enhancing  from 14 to 17 November 2023 that brought   commemorative plaques, to celebrate and seal
          environmental awareness, and upholding   leaders  from  Governments,  businesses,  the beginning of a fruitful partnership.
          social  responsibility. The GPAS  2023 Award   international organisations and civil society
          ceremony was held in conjunction with   together to explore greenhouse gas emission   The exchange symbolised the unity between
          the APEC Port Services Network Forum     reductions  while  adapting to  the mounting   Penang Port and the esteemed cruise liner,
          at Chatrium Hotel Riverside in Bangkok,   fallout from the climate crisis.  marking the start of a journey filled with
          Thailand.                                                             exciting business opportunities. This maiden
                                             Marco Neelsen, PTP Chief Executive Officer   call is a testament to the growing significance
                                             was featured as one of the panellists in a round   of Penang Port as a prime destination for
          PENANG PORT CORRUPTION FREE PLEDGE   table session on Reshaping Tomorrow: Asian   cruise activities.
          PROGRAMME                          Private Sector Leadership in Climate Action and
                                             Resilience. During the session, Marco Neelsen
          Penang Port together with the Malaysian
          Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) organised   shared PTP’s sustainability journey and delved
          a Corruption-Free Pledge programme as well   into the significance of collaboration in pushing
          as a briefing session on Anti-Corruption in   the ‘Race to Zero’ initiative, and in creating
          conjunction with National Integrity Week. This   more resilient societies.
          commitment to collaborate with MACC reflects   Marco Neelsen was also one of the panellists
          Penang Port’s unwavering dedication to   in the 'Green bunkering in Asia – Pacific: The
          governance ethics and sets a positive example.  Way Forward in Malaysia' panel, which featured
          Yang Berbahagia Deputy Commissioner Tuan   Shaun Mooney, Executive General Manager   STRATEGIC COLLABORATION AGREEMENT
          Ruslan Tuan Mat, Director of MACC Penang,   Commercial, Port of Melbourne, Mohd Tarmizi   WITH KOLEJ WIT
                                             Osman, Senior Assistant Director, Marine
          also attended the ceremony.                                           Northport entered into a Strategic Collaboration
                                             Department, Ministry of Transport, Malaysia
                                             and Rachel Child, Climate Finance Specialist,   Agreement with Kolej WIT Sdn Bhd, with
                                             Cariad Energy, United Kingdom.     the primary objective of facilitating industrial
                                                                                training on Technical and Vocational Education
                                                                                and Training (TVET). This collaboration aimed
                                             JOHOR PORT READINESS ON BUSINESS   to nurture a highly skilled workforce capable of
                                             CONTINUITY PLAN                    fulfilling the needs within the port and logistics
                                             Johor Port conducted a fire drill and Business   sectors.
                                             Continuity Plan exercise under the Corporate
                                             Planning and Risk Management Department
                                             in collaboration with Bulk and Breakbulk
                                             Department (BBT) and Port Security and
                                             Safety Department (PSSD) at BBT’s Office,
         LATIH AMAL OPS ISPS EX-GANJAR 2023  Warehouse 3E, Johor Port.
         Northport, Selangor State of National Security   The exercise aimed to test the familiarisation
         Council, Port Klang Authority (PKA) and   and readiness of BBT and PSSD personnel
         Westports collaboratively conducted a Tier 3   on  the Emergency  Response  Plan  and
         Tabletop Exercise and Field Training Exercise   Preparedness, as well as on the Business   PENANG PORT ORGANISES TLDM OPEN
         called Latih Amal OPS ISPS Ex-Ganjar 2023.   Continuity  Management.  The  exercise
         The primary objective of this exercise was to   trained  the  staffs  in  responding  to  DAY
         test the preparedness of various agencies in   different scenarios and situations during   Penang Port organised the TLDM Open Day in
         managing potential terrorist threats and to   emergency or adverse situations; measuring   conjunction with SPCT Open Day 2023. The
         evaluate the effectiveness of the Standard   the preparedness and readiness of all    event has drawn more than 12,000 visitors who
         Operating Procedures in handling crisis   safety-related personnel.    participated in various activities such as TLDM
         situations.                                                            Career Exhibition, TLDM Diver Exhibition,
                                                                                Paskal Combat Equipment Exhibition, TLDM
                                                                                Ammunition & Explosives Exhibition and many
                                                                                In addition, visitors had the opportunity to
                                                                                board the royal ships namely Sri Indera Sakti
                                                                                and Lekiu to enjoy the scenery and familiarise
                                                                                themselves with  the  national  defence  assets
                                                                                that will dock for the first time in Penang.
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