Page 16 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_Oct-Dec_ISSUE
P. 16


          DECARBONISATION AND GREEN FUELS                                       ENGAGEMENT SESSION 2023
                                             Northport hosted the 11  edition of the Northport
          PTP co-hosted and participated in a roundtable   Futsal Challenge 2023 for its key customers and   Northport and Wan Hai Lines (India) Pvt Ltd
          discussion regarding the decarbonisation of   stakeholders. This year’s event was organised   collaboratively conducted a roadshow session
          Malaysia’s maritime industry and the future   to commemorate the 60  anniversary of   in Mumbai, India. This joint marketing initiative
          establishment  of  green  fuels.  Officiated  by   port operations at Northport serving as a   allowed Northport to focus on a specific
          YB Anthony Loke Siew Fook, Minister of   special gesture of appreciation to Northport’s   target audience  and  enhanced the business
          Transport Malaysia, the event was attended   customers and industry stakeholders for     relationship  between  Northport  and  Wan Hai
          by  60  representatives  from  key  Malaysian   their unwavering support in fostering the   Lines.
          Government  ministries  and  industry  Company’s growth.
                                                                                PTP VENDOR DAY BOOSTS SUPPLY CHAIN
          During the roundtable meeting, Marco                                  COLLABORATIONS
          Neelsen, CEO of PTP and Dr Jonathan                                   PTP has successfully organised its PTP Vendor
          Beard, P4I Maritime Specialist provided                               Day 2023 held at the port’s Football Field. A
          updates on the port and shipping industry’s                           total  of 55  local and  international companies
          actions to transition towards green fuels.                            and service providers  were featured as  part
          The roundtable discussion, organised by                               of  the  vendors’  exhibition.  Various  insightful
          Australia’s Partnerships for Infrastructure (P4I),                    activities and engagement sessions were
          came after Australia and Malaysia shared                              also held by industry captains and experts
          the findings of a study into PTP becoming   PORT KLANG AUTHORITY 60 th   to demonstrate and share their latest
          a regional green shipping hub at Malaysia   ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION   technologies,  products,  and  services,  as  well
          Maritime Week in June 2023.                                           as to foster networking and collaborations.
                                             A Gala Dinner marked  the 60 Anniversary   Other activities  were conducted which
                                             (Diamond Jubilee) of PKA was held at the   included sustainability forums, knowledge-
                                             Wyndham Hotel, Klang. The event was a   sharing sessions and port tours.
                                             heartfelt tribute to the invaluable cooperation
                                             and unwavering commitment from all parties
                                             that played a pivotal role in the development
                                             of Port Klang. A total of 10 awards were
                                             bestowed upon those who have significantly
                                             contributed to the growth and success of Port
                                             Klang. Northport’s General Manager of Human
                                             Capital, Norzalinda Mohamed, was awarded
          ROYAL MALAYSIAN CUSTOMS            the Outstanding Female Personality in the
          DEPARTMENT APPRECIATION DINNER     Port and Logistics Industry (Management) and
                                             Northport’s tenant, FM Global Logistics (M)
          The Royal Malaysian Customs Department   Sdn Bhd won the Best Warehouse Operator
          (RMCD) Central Zone Unit II (Selangor)   (Tenants) award.
          organised an appreciation dinner dedicated
          to RMCD retirees, staff and stakeholders held   PTP BAGS THE BEST TRANSHIPMENT   PROGRAM LATIHAN MENEMBAK
          at KSL Esplanade Hotel, Klang. The event was   TERMINAL ADMINISTRATOR
          attended by RMCD's stakeholders, including                            Northport  hosted  the  Program  Latihan
          Northport’s  CEO,  Dato’  Azman Shah Mohd   PTP was named as the Best in Administration   Menembak  for  strategic  stakeholders  at
          Yusof.                             for Transhipment Terminal by the Malaysian   Lapang Sasar Kelab Penembak Bandar Di
                                             Anti-Corruption  Commission  (MACC)  Raja Klang, Meru. A total of 32 participants
         PTP LEASES LAND TO MAERSK           during the Integrity, Governance, and Anti-  from four different agencies participated in
                                                                                the programme. The annual programme was
                                             Corruption  Convention  2023  (KITA  2023)
         PTP signed a Letter of Offer (LOO) with    held at the Sabah International Convention   organised to foster relationships between
         Maersk to lease 47.07 acres of free zone land    Centre, KITA 2023. The event was organised   Northport and the Government agencies
         during a signing ceremony held at PTP between   for the first time to encourage companies and   while providing a platform for the exchange of
         PTP  CEO,  Marco  Neelsen and Elaine  Low,   organisations to adopt the best governance   information, especially on security within the
         Maersk Area Managing Director for Southeast   practices recommended by MACC through its   port terminal.
         Asia.                               advisory services.
         The 47.07 acres of land leased to Maersk is     The event was officiated by Sabah Chief   KONTENA NASIONAL PARTICIPATES IN THE
         part of the total 80 acres of newly developed   Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor. Also present   NETBALL GEBENG TOURNAMENT WITH
         free zone area  known  as Phase  2C.     were the Chief Commissioner of MACC, Tan   STAKEHOLDERS
         The area forms part of the hinterland cargo   Sri Azam Baki and Sabah State Secretary   Kontena Nasional successfully participated
         catchment area, comprising of five phases   Datuk Seri Safar Untong.   in the Gebeng friendly netball tournament
         with a total of 1,586 acres. PTP Free Zone,                            involving  various  participating  teams  from
         better known as Pelepas Free Zone is home                              Kuantan Port, BASF Petronas Chemicals,
         to environmentally friendly business activities                        Gateway, C.H. Robinson, and Kontena Nasional
         and an integrated logistics hub for more                               Kuantan Branch. The tournament was aimed
         than 40 local and international businesses.                            at cultivating stronger relationships in a more
         Its  efficient  design, where it is  connected                         enjoyable and relaxed environment.
         directly to  the  port  terminal,  also  provides
         cost-effective  container movement  for the
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