Page 9 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2023_Oct-Dec_ISSUE
P. 9

2023 OCTOBER - DECEMBER ISSUE          9


          Risk management is quintessential in navigating through today’s volatile operating  landscape for every  port,
          empowering the assessment and mitigation of potential threats behind each decision and consideration. The
          following paragraphs outline all of the port’s risk-management strategies and policies.

           NORTHPORT                                            PENANG PORT

           Northport has established procedures for identifying   Guided and advised under the stalwart leadership of its
           and evaluating risks associated with its operations. This   RMC, Penang Port Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
           involves a thorough assessment of potential threats and   plays an important role in identifying and assessing
           vulnerabilities that could impact the port’s objectives and   risks, preparing the port for any potential losses that may
           decision-making processes. To achieve this, Northport   interfere with an organisation’s operations and objectives.
           conducts quarterly reviews within each division and   The  established  risk register for all  departments  are
           department to assess Corruption Risk Management (CRM).   reviewed  periodically  to  ensure  effective  risk  mitigation
           Whenever risks are identified, Northport implements   and initiate an action plan should any threatening risks
           strategic measures to mitigate  and control these risks,   materialise.
           proactively  taking  specific  actions  to  enhance  security,
           safety and operational efficiency throughout the port.
           These  policies,  procedures  and  guidelines  include
           Northport Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Policy and
           Framework, Enterprise Corruption Risk Procedure, and


           To ensure all risks were identified and reviewed, PTP has
           established the ERM Policy and Framework, which outlines
           the basis of enterprise risk management practices in the   JOHOR PORT AND TANJUNG
           Company. Business owners are responsible for monitoring   BRUAS PORT
           their identified risks and evaluating the controls and
           effectiveness. The Risk Management Committee oversees   Proper  risk  management  assessment  is  specifically
           the overall risk management practice in PTP.         conducted for both ports regarding any decision making
                                                                including tender and projects based on Johor Port’s
                                                                Enterprise Risk Policy and Framework. Johor Port’s Group
                                                                Risk Management Committee (GRMC) meets quarterly to
                                                                review risk profiles for Enterprise Risk and Corruption Risk.
                                                                The Corruption Risks will be tabled to the Audit Committee
           To ensure the responsible management of risks, Kontena   and Board on a quarterly basis, with the Enterprise Risk
           Nasional Enterprise Risk Management Policy has been in   tabled directly to the Board in the same timeframe. Johor
           place since 2012, aligning with ISO 31000 guidelines and   Port and Tanjung Bruas Port will also undergo several
           practices.                                           audits performed by third parties including the Certification
                                                                Body and MMC Audit.
           Kontena Nasional Corruption Risk Management Procedure
           has also recently been established to ensure adequate
           measures are in place.

           Decisions are made as per the Kontena Nasional Limit of
           Authority (LOA) and annual audits are conducted to ensure
           the absence of corruption in the aforementioned dealings.
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