Page 16 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Jan-Mar_ISSUE
P. 16



          Feb  Visit  from  China  International  Jan  Visit from Kuantan Port to   Mar  Familiarisation Visit by Johor
                                                                                      Sustainability Centre (JSC)
                                                   Penang Port
               Engineering Consulting Corporation,
          23   Cyberview and Skymind to Northport  30  Penang  Port  welcomed  the  07  PTP welcomed the delegation
               The visit laid the foundations      distinguished delegation from      from JSC, led by the latter’s
          for mutually beneficial partnerships and   Kuantan Port. The working visit focused on   Chairman, Dato’ Haji Ir. Hasni Mohammad,
          growth opportunities, particularly in the   key aspects such as Vessel Productivity,   for a familiarisation visit. JSC’s visit was
          fields of engineering, technology, artificial   Safety in Operational Area, and Manpower   aimed at exploring potential partnerships
          intelligence and the Internet of Things   Planning - specifically delving into Vessel   on sustainability initiatives and climate
          (IoT).                             Planning and Yard Management.      action in the state.
               Working Visit by Geely Technology
          03   Johor Port welcomed an industry
               assets and facilities familiarisation
               visit by Geely Technology, where
          delegates were given a comprehensive
          presentation on  the Port’s milestones,
          operational performance, strong intra-Asia
          connectivity and ongoing development
          of Johor Port as the Premier Southern
          Gateway Multi-Purpose Port.                                            Jan  Visit by the Melaka Port Authority
                                                                                      to Tanjung Bruas Port.
                                             Feb   Site Visit from the Deputy Director   05
                                                   of Suruhanhaya Perkhidmatan Air
                                             26    Negara (SPAN)                      YB Khoo Poay Tiong, the newly
                                                                                      appointed Chairman  of Melaka
                                                   SPT  Services  Security Section   Port Authority, paid an official visit to
                                             together with Pengerang Integrated   Tanjung Bruas Port. The visit sought
                                             Complex Security and accompanied by   to familiarise the Chairman with the
                                             PRPC UF on site to welcome a delegation   general  development,  performance,
                                             from SPAN, led by its Deputy Director for a   and  expansion  of  Tanjung Bruas Port as
                                             working visit to the SPJ operational area.  well as concerns associated with the port.

          Feb  Working  Visit by HRD Corp  to
          15   PTP welcomed a delegation from
               the Human Resource Development
          Corporation (HRD Corp), led by its CEO,
          Datuk Wira Shahul Dawood. The visit
          formed part of HRD Corp’s familiarisation
          visits, during which they observed PTP’s
          developed TVET and Young Talent
          Programmes,  such as  Port  Operations
          Planning  and  Port Equipment Technicians   Jan  The Arrival of Costa Serena at
          Apprenticeships.                         Swettenham Pier Cruise Terminal
                                             20    (SPCT)                       Mar   Site Visit by the Johor Contingent
                                                                                      of Royal Malaysian Police
                                                   Penang Port marked a significant
          Mar  Visit from Malaysia Productivity   event  with  the  arrival  of  Costa  Serena   13  SPT Services received a site visit
               Corporation, Malaysia Automotive
                                                                                      from Superintendent Norazam
          26   Robotics IoT Institute and Ministry   at SPCT in George Town. During the   bin Shaari from the Community Security
                                             Penang stop, SPCT efficiently managed
               of Investment, Trade and Industry
               to Northport                  the embarkation and disembarkation   Crime Prevention Department of Ibu
                                             processes, handling 692 passengers   Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Johor and ASP Azri
          The collaborative visit aimed to establish   leaving the cruise and welcoming 803 new   from Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Kota Tinggi
          guidelines, contributions, and best practices   passengers onboard. This cruise also set a   with the purpose of establishing Auxiliary
          for Lithium Battery Management, leading   new record for SPCT with a total of 3,134   Police Unit at SPT Services.
          the way to safer, more sustainable EV   passengers departing for Phuket.
          ecosystems in Malaysia through exploratory
          tripartite discussions.
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