Page 11 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Jan-Mar_ISSUE
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          AUGUST                             Anugerah Majikan Terbaik 2023      Asia Pacific Procurement Awards 2023
                                             (KWSP Seberang Jaya)               PTP won the prestigious Asia Pacific
          Penang Launches New Ferry Operations  Penang Port secured third place in the   Procurement Team Award at the Asia
          Penang Port’s revolutionary new ferry   2023 EPF Best Employer Award Second   Pacific Procurement Awards 2023.
          service from Pangkalan Raja Tun Uda   Category, which pertains to Employers   The recognition was given for PTP’s
          to Pangkalan Sultan Abdul Halim    with 1,000 - 4,999 Employees.      impressive performance and contributions
          commenced operations on 7 August                                      to the regional supply chain industry.
          2023.                              PTP Certified with CIPS Corporate
                                             Ethical Procurement and Supply     UN Global Compact Network Malaysia
          Kontena Nasional Turns 52          PTP was the first Malaysian organisation   & Brunei Forward Faster Sustainability
          Kontena  Nasional celebrated its 52 nd   to receive this  recognition from the   Awards 2023
          anniversary event on 26 August 2023,   Chartered Institute of Procurement and   PTP was an award winner under the main
          marked  by  the  management  team   Supply (CIPS) for its outstanding efforts   Enterprise Category: The  Forward  Faster
          presenting replicas of Volvo Prime   in meeting world-class standards in   Sustainability Award - Gender Equality.
          Movers to its retiring staff as a token of   ethical procurement.     PTP was also recognised under the
          appreciation.                                                         Recognition Categories: Partnership for the
                                             Human    Resource   Development
          Commemorating the 50  Anniversary   Corporation (HRD Corp) Awards 2023   Goals Recognition and Pioneer Sustainable
          of Containerisation at Port Klang   PTP  was  a  winner  under  the   Development Action Recognition categories.
          Northport held the commemoration   Excellence in Graduate Development
          event within its premises at Wharf   (Future Worker) and Excellence in Technical   DECEMBER
          8A, Container Terminal 1, seeing the   Vocational Education Training (TVET)
          participation of Dato’ Azman Shah Mohd   categories, recognised for its outstanding   Northport Sets Record-Breaking Year
          Yusof, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)   contributions and achievements in driving   in Conventional Cargo Segment
          of Northport, representatives from   excellence and innovation in the fields   Northport set this new record after
          employee unions and associations,   relating to both award categories.  handling 11,405,312 FWTs of cargo
          along  with  various  management                                      throughput in a single year, surpassing
          members and employees.             Integrity, Governance, and Anti-Corruption   the previous record of 11,115,670 FWTs
                                             Convention 2023 (KITA 2023)        recorded in 2022.
          Johor Port Launches New Nitrogen   PTP was named the Best Administrator
          Purging Services Business          for Transhipment Terminals by the   Kontena Nasional Achieves 1.27 Million
          Johor  Port  has launched new services   Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission   Safe Manhours in 2023
          for vessels to carry out Nitrogen Purging   (MACC) during  this event, which was   This surpasses Kontena Nasional’s set
          at the Johor Port berth and anchorage,   organised to encourage companies   goal of 960,000 safe manhours throughout
          improve the port’s efficiency in the   and organisations to adopt the best   operations across the year.
          shipping process.
                                             governance practices recommended by   Tanjung Bruas Port Achieves Highest
                                             MACC through its advisory services.   Ever STS Movement
          SEPTEMBER                                                             372 movements were recorded in 2023
          Kontena Nasional Completes Significant   NOVEMBER                     (51% increase compared to 2022),
                                                                                positioning ship-to-ship (STS) as one of the
          E-commerce Racking Upgrades        MSOSH OSH Gold Class 1 Award       main revenue contributors for the port.
          Kontena   Nasional   completed  a  Penang  Port  proudly received the
          significant upgrade to its e-commerce   Malaysian Society for Occupational Safety
          racking,  expanding  sqft  to  cover     and Health (MSOSH) Occupational Safety
          10,000 sq ft out of 26,000 sq ft to   and Health (OSH) Gold Class 1 Award for
          maximise Kontena Nasional’s storage   2023, a distinguished recognition from
          functions and capacity.            the MSOSH Panel of Auditors and MSOSH
                                             Award Committee within the logistics and
          OCTOBER                            transportation sector.
          Second Place in the MGTC-MIROS     Anugerah Pengiktirafan Tempat Kerja
          Eco-Efficient Truck Driving Championship.  Bebas Dadah (TEKAD)
          Kontena  Nasional  landed  second  in   Penang Port  was conferred with the
          the annual Eco-Efficient Truck Driving   TEKAD  award,  making  Penang  Port
          Championship, which was sponsored by   the inaugural private enterprise to
          Volvo Truck Malaysia. The competition   successfully  fulfil the five key criteria
          was organised to promote eco-driving   stipulated in the TEKAD programme.
          involving the adoption of driving   Anugerah Perdana Penarafan Bintang
          behaviours that can result in reduced   Sasaran Penting (APBSP) 2023
          emissions  and  fuel  consumption.  With   Northport was the recipient of the
          this placement, Kontena Nasional is   Anugerah Perdana APBSP 2023 the
          continuously committed to ensuring   highest  award  under  the  Key  Point  ll
          that all drivers are trained and equipped   category, which acknowledged the most
          with the skills necessary to lead in     exemplary protective security governance
          eco-efficient trucking.
                                             systems  within  Malaysia’s  critical
                                             infrastructure installations.
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