Page 15 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Jan-Mar_ISSUE
P. 15


           5 February                         26 February                         7 March
           MoU with Maldives Ports Limited    Engagement Session with Northport   Auxiliary Police Meeting Quarter
           (MPL)                              Distripark Sdn Bhd (NDSB) Tenants   1/2024
           Johor Port entered an MoU with MPL,     The engagement event was specifically   The  Auxiliary  Police  of  SPT  Services
           a provider managing Government-owned   tailored  to  provide  NDSB tenants  with   attended  the Kota  Tinggi  District
           ports and port facilities in Maldives,     a platform to interact directly with   Auxiliary Police Meeting Quarter
           at the Johor Port Board Room with   the Management team of Northport,   1/2024 with the Crime Prevention
           key members from both organisations   facilitating the sharing of feedback and   and Community Security Department
           present.  This  commitment involves   addressing any concerns or challenges   held at the LDP room Ibu Pejabat Polis
           providing MPL with various training   faced by the tenants while also   Daerah Kota Tinggi.
           initiatives  encompassing  Port  and  serving as an opportunity to promote
           Logistics Training, Employee Attachment   the Northport International Centre of   29 February
           Programmes,  and  other  mutually    Excellence (NICE) training programmes.  Occupational Safety and Health
           agreed-upon programmes.                                                (OSH) Practitioner with Best Integrity
                                              7 March                             Special Award - Integrity, Governance
           24 January
                                              Internal ISPS Code Drill            and Anti-corruption Awards (AIGA)
           Marine Facility Security Officer (MFSO)   Q1/2024-Intrusion            2023
           ISPS committee meeting Quarter     SPT   Services  QHSSE   Security    Northport was announced as the
           1/2024 led by Johor Port Authority   Section successfully completed the   winner  of the OSH  Practitioner  with
                                              ISPS  internal  training  quarter  1/2024   Best Integrity Special Award and Gold
           QHSSE Head of Security Section Tuan   with the involvement of Pengerang   Award  at  the  AIGA  2023.  This  event
           Harun Bin Sarmi attended the MFSO of    Integrated Complex Security with   was hosted by the Malaysian Institute
           the International Ship and Port Facility   specialised drills to ensure that the   of Integrity at Dewan Seri Siantan,
           Security (ISPS) committee meeting   level of security, especially in the Solid   Perbadanan Putrajaya. The award was
           chaired by the JPA.                Product Jetty (SPJ) area, remains at a   presented by the Minister of Finance
                                              high level.                         II, Yang Berhormat Senator Datuk Seri
           24 January                                                             Amir Hamzah Azizan to Northport’s
                                              24 January                          CEO, Dato’ Azman Shah Mohd Yusof.
           Johor Port Auxiliary Police Unit Annual
           Shooting Exercise 2024             Special Award for Best ISPS         15 February
                                              Reporting at the Johor State Level
           QHSSE Security personnel participated   by JPA 2024                    Penang Port Hosts Chinese New
           in the annual Johor Port shooting                                      Year Appreciation Dinner
           exercise at the REM Clay Target Range   In conjunction with the Cape-X 11
           in Kota Tinggi led by the Johor Port   Johor ISPS Code Exercise event, SPT   Penang Port organised the Chinese
           Safety and Security Department.    Services facility received the Third Best   New Year Customer Appreciation
                                              ISPS Reporting Award in the entire   Dinner at 32 Mansion, Penang.
                                              state of Johor, receiving a certificate of   Dato’  Seri  Syed  Mohamad  bin  Syed
                                              appreciation  from  JPA,  AP/Sup  Tuan   Murtaza, Chairman of Penang Port and
                                              Abdul Rahman Bin Yahaya as the Marine   Dato’ Sasedharan Vasudevan, CEO of
                                              Transport Security Officer (MTSO), Johor.  Penang Port attended the event to
                                                                                  welcome Penang Port’s key partners
                                                                                  and stakeholders.
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