Page 12 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Jan-Mar_ISSUE
P. 12


          MAKING WAVES FOR 2024

                                             Kontena Nasional
                                             Kontena Nasional’s mandate for the year   Penang Port
          Northport                          is to transform the company’s culture
                                             while utilising new technologies to   Building on the momentum of 2023,
          Northport’s primary target  in 2024 is   revolutionise operations and catalysing
          to  surpass  the Conventional  Cargo   business opportunities, contributing to   Penang Port is optimistic about its
          volume of 11,405,312 FWTs achieved in   the company’s growth.         growth prospects for 2024, anticipating
          2023 and enhance Container volume to                                  a robust 6.9% growth in throughput TEUs
          3.29 million TEUs, with additional                                    attributed to expansion fuelled through
          aspirations for its logistics centre of                               a combination of organic growth at 3.4%
          Northport Distripark Sdn Bhd (NDSB)                                   and new business opportunities at 3.5%.
          to handle 80,000 TEUs by the end of                                   This is also bolstered by projections
          2024.                                                                 of 4% import growth and a targeted
                                                                                export increase of 5.4%. Penang Port is
                                                                                particularly bullish on the transhipment
                                                                                business, forecasting a surge supported
                                                                                by strategic partnerships with major

          With the appointment of Mark Hardiman
          as the port’s new CEO, PTP is driven to
          make new headways in the industry as
          one of the world’s leading ports, having
          already achieved multiple milestones
          this year, such as the terminal’s new shift
          volume record with 13,725 quayside
          moves in a single 12-hour shift on 6
          February 2024 as well as the successful
          completion of its first LNG bunkering
          operation with the involvement of CMA   Johor Port
          CGM Monaco. PTP has also commenced   The whole Johor Port Marine (JPM) team   Tanjung Bruas Port
          upgrading work within its premises with   has dedicated themselves to a series of
          the critical acquisition of six ultra large   ambitions, primarily focused on enabling   Tanjung Bruas Port began the year with
          container  vessel  (ULCV)  quay  cranes   the  port’s  community,  partners  and   the successful launch of the first ever
          from Sany Marine Heavy Industry Co.   customers to grow through the focus   Container Feeder Service between
          Ltd and the launch of Phase 2 of its   on  local  and  international  cooperation.     Tanjung Bruas Port and Port Klang
          Spare  Part  Vending  Machine  initiative   JPM  is  committed  to  being  a  unique   with the strategic partnership between
          at the D04 Warehouse in Pelepas Free   service provider in global trade and   Tanjung Bruas  Port, CMA  CGM and
          Zone A.                            industry beyond the Pasir Gudang Port   QEL/LKC Group on 3 January 2024.
                                             Limit, working every day to create the   Tanjung Bruas Port also received
                                                                                the  first  ever  non-convention  vessel
                                             port of tomorrow.
                                                                                (supply of fresh prawns to Malaysia) from
                                                                                Bengkalis, Indonesia on 6 April 2024.
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