Page 10 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Jan-Mar_ISSUE
P. 10


          MAKING OUR MARK:                          MILESTONES 2023
          IN THE                                    JANUARY                        JUNE
                                                                                   Kontena Nasional Johor Opens
                                                    Gold for Integrity, Governance
          MARITIME                                  and Anti-corruption Awards (AIGA)   New ISO Container Cleaning Depot
          SPACE                                     Northport was honoured as a Gold     opened an ISO  container cleaning
                                                    Award winner of AIGA 2022 on
                                                                                   depot. This facility enables the
                                                    18 January 2023. Winners were
                                                    selected based on inclusive criteria and   steaming and cleaning of ISO tanks,
                                                    aspects such as integrity management,   Nasional’s  commitment  to  providing
                                                    governance and anti-corruption efforts   comprehensive logistics services
          Looking back, 2023 marked a progressive   in participating organisations.  including specialised tank cleaning
          and eventful year in terms of port activity and                          and maintenance.
          strides amidst the gradual reopening of global   FEBRUARY
          markets, with great industrial achievements   Northport Receives RTG Cranes
          hit  despite  logistical  challenges  presented   Northport received the first batch of
          by the ongoing Russian-Ukraine and        the 34 RTG cranes from Mitsui E&S
                                                    Machinery Co., Ltd.
          Israel-Palestinian disputes.                                                     Total Throughput
                                                    Joint  Initiation  of  “Port  Klang  16,184,216 TEUs
          In recognition of a productive year, this   Shipping and Logistics Community
          section is illustrated to summarise our year’s   Humanitarian Aid for Turkiye and
          crowning  achievements  and  major  moves,   Syria”   jointly  initiated  this
          revisiting notable highlights made throughout   programme in solidarity with the
          every month.                              victims of the natural disaster alongside
                                                    Infinity Logistics and Transport Sdn    Total Revenue
                                                    Bhd (Infinity) and Port Klang Authority   RM3,831.3 mil
                                                    (PKA). The programme successfully
                                                    raised a total of RM510,000.
                                                    PTP Launches Sustainability
                                                    Framework and Targets on ESG Day
                                                    Launched during PTP’s ESG Day,
                                                    these  targets  guide  the  company  to
                                                    deliver sustainable value by integrating   Total Conventional
                                                    environmental, social and governance   34,300,168
                                                    (ESG) considerations into its core
                                                    business.                         Freight Weight Tonnes (FWTs)
                                                                                     (excl. PTP and Kontena Nasional)
                                                    New Steelbro Side Loaders      JULY
                                                    Kontena Nasional bought six new   Johor Port Carries Out 100th LNG
                                                    steelbro side loaders to offer customers   Bunkering Operation
                                                    a versatile and cost-effective method   Johor  Port  successfully  executed
                                                    of loading and unloading as well as   its 100  LNG Bunkering Operation
                                                    moving containers and cargo to meet   through collaboration with PETCO
                                                    the needs of its clients and improve   Trading Labuan Company Limited.
                                                    efficiency in the shipping process..
                                                                                   Johor Port Signs Maritime Cooperation
                                                    APRIL                          Agreement
                                                                                   Johor Port signed an agreement with
                                                    Kontena Nasional Completes Significant   Pelindo Jasa Maritim for maritime
                                                    Prime Mover Purchase Order     cooperation (Straits Pilotage).
                                                    Kontena Nasional  received 46 new
                                                    Prime Movers in April from leading   CIPS Asia Excellence in Procurement
                                                    manufacturers, Volvo and Scania as   Award 2023
                                                    part of its business expansion plan   PTP won Procurement Team of
                                                    towards logistical excellence.   The  Year-Small  Organisation  for
                                                                                   its significant improvements to the
                                                    MAY                            supply chain performance and culture
                                                                                   for the implementation of various
                                                    Northport Completes Handover of   improvement  strategies  through
                                                    the New J Block Container Yard.
                                                                                   inventory optimisation, digitalisation
                                                    2023 International Safety Award   and automation, supply diversification,
                                                    (Merit)                        and other areas.
                                                    Northport won the prestigious 2023
                                                    International Safety Award (Merit) from
                                                    British Safety Council.
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