Page 5 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Jan-Mar_ISSUE
P. 5


                                                         1     Workshop Extension and New RTG Maintenance Bay
                                                               Pelabuhan Tanjung Pelepas Sdn Bhd’s (PTP) workshop
                                                               extension and new rubber-tyred gantry (RTG) maintenance bay
                                                               will enable 24-hour maintenance work for RTGs and other types
                                                               of equipment, increasing the port’s flexibility while ensuring the
                                                               constant upkeep of equipment. This project is currently at the
                                                               design stage and targeted for completion by Q4 2025.
                                                        2      New Warehouse at Pandamaran, Klang

                                                               Kontena Nasional’s new warehouse spans a massive 100,000
                                                               sq ft and is in the final stages of construction while successfully
                                                               achieving 100,000 safe manhours  without any Lost Time
                                                               Injuries (LTI) thus far. Anticipated to launch in June 2024,
                                                               this warehouse will significantly increase Kontena Nasional’s
                                                               efficiency and customer service capabilities.
                                                        3      Container Feeder Service to Port Klang

                                                               Tanjung Bruas Port Sdn Bhd (Tanjung Bruas Port) launched its
                                                               Container Feeder service from Tanjung Bruas Port to Port Klang
                                                               (vice versa) to provide a dedicated feeder service to cater for
                                                               shippers from Northern Johor, Melaka Hinterland and Southern
                                                               Negeri Sembilan. The first batch of 120 twenty-foot equivalent
                                                               units (TEUs) containers from CMA CGM arrived on 3 January
                                                        4      Expansion and Development of Yards

                                                               Northport completed the development of container yard
                                                               Block J last year, adding a capacity of 529,980 TEUs.
                                                               Meanwhile, a new container yard, Block K which is currently
                                                               under construction, will provide an additional capacity of
                                                               459,900 TEUs. In the other ports, PTP is undertaking the design
                                                               and eventual construction of a permanent, fully-paved empty
                                                               container block, while Tanjung Bruas Port also has plans to
                                                               develop a multi-purpose yard that will increase its port capacity
                                                               by 15%, developed on an adjacent 5.8-acre land known as Lot
                                                               15,769 on a long-term lease until 2055.



          CAPACITY AND


          Multiple ports have undertaken proactive initiatives
          to expand their storage and throughput capabilities
          in line with the increasing demand catalysed by the
          gradual reopening of key markets.
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