Page 23 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Apr-Jun_ISSUE
P. 23

2024 APRIL - JUN ISSUE  23

           Penang Port                                          Johor Port

          Penang Port is poised for a significant upswing in growth   The  outlook  for  Johor  Port's  1H  2024  has  been  healthy
          during the second half of 2024 and beyond into the coming   following the global economic and trade rebound in the
          years, primarily supported by increased trade activity within    Shipping and Logistics sector. Johor Port is well poised to
          the local hinterland and South Thailand, as well as the    conclude 2024 with high achievements for container handling
          acquisition of new business ventures and transhipment   and conventional cargoes. As the port is on track to achieve
          operations. This optimistic outlook is also driven by several   the 1 million TEUs this year, various initiatives has also been
          other key factors including an increased container shipping   lined up to furthermore the Port’s volume including the
          demand due to Penang Port’s strategic location as well as the   development of the Indonesian Outport Business, creating a
          incorporation of cutting-edge infrastructure upgrades such as   hub  for  mini  transshipment  and  establishing  connectivity  to
          automated cargo handling systems, container storage capacity   the India and Middle East Sectors. Johor Port is also seeing
          expansions, and the introduction of digital platforms.    an encouraging throughput forecast from Petronas Chemical
                                                               Marketing Labuan (PCML) for the container business this year.
          Moving forward, Penang Port is well-positioned to capitalise   The recently established connectivity between Batam and
          on emerging opportunities and achieve sustained growth,   Pasir Gudang on 4 May 2024 also marked the start of the
          continuing to play a vital role in facilitating the flow of goods   Indonesian  Outport  Business  in  Johor  involving  both  local
          and services throughout Southeast Asia and beyond.   and transhipment cargoes.

                                                               For the conventional segment, Johor Port reported a total
           Kontena Nasional                                    conventional volume achievement of 8.4 million metric
                                                               tonnes (MT) in the first half of 2024, and is anticipated to
          Kontena Nasional is in the midst of enhancing its systemic   handle another 9 million MT in the second half of 2024.
          architecture through the integration of additional business   This encouraging forecast is due to several advantageous
          modules, eventually enabling the Kontena Integrated Digital   factors, mainly involving a significant increase in Conventional
          System (KIDS) platform to venture into Internet of Things (IoT)   cargo handling within the Bulk and General cargo business.
          Automation and AI integration for a complete ecosystem. Once   Johor Port is also well positioned to be the Biomass and
          complete, this digital architecture will enable the creation of   Mineral  hub  for the  southern  region  resulting  robust  growth
          big data management, providing total business visibility and   for both local and transhipment volumes for the conventional
          cutting-edge efficiency in business operations and supply   cargo business. With the aim of sustained business growth
          chain management aimed towards Kontena Nasional’s growth   and the advancement of its booming container and
          and sustainability.                                  conventional  activities,  Johor  Port  will continue  to  lead the
                                                               global benchmark to be the Southern Gateway Multipurpose
                                                               port in the region.
           Tanjung Bruas Port

          Tanjung Bruas Port recently hosted the first voyage
          of  MV  Xinya  Glass  Maiden  Call  in  line  with  the  resumption
          of Xinyi’s container operations at Tanjung Bruas Port,
          with the container ship discharging 591 TEUs from Humen Port,
          China at the port. Upon confirmation by Xinyi, the second call
          of the vessel to Tanjung Bruas Port is also anticipated to arrive
          on 22 June 2024 for a combined import and export handling
          of 1,200 TEUs.
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