Page 20 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Apr-Jun_ISSUE
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Northport and MMC Group Human Resources Collaborate Northport Initiates the Establishment of HSSE Digitalisation
with UUM to Develop HSE Training Catalogue System
Northport and MMC Group Human Resources have engaged Northport has initiated the process of sourcing companies
Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) to develop the HSE training to establish an HSSE digitalisation system. This system
catalogue. This initiative, under the Health, Safety & aims to integrate digital technologies into Health, Safety,
Environment Skill Group, aims to establish a comprehensive Security and Environment (HSSE) management processes.
training catalogue as part of the development intervention By leveraging various digital tools and platforms, the system
plan to enhance the skills of current HSE personnel across seeks to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness
the MMC Group. of all HSSE-related matters within Northport.
OSHE Day Campaign OSHE Conducted an Assessment and Survey for the
The campaign involved organisations sharing their progress Submission of Chemical List and Noise Identification.
and initiatives in promoting workplace safety adaptation, Audiometric tests were conducted on 16 & 17 May 2024.
encouraging employees to take ownership of risks present in Organised a Noise Awareness Session for Ferry Staff
their day-to-day lives. This Safety Campaign involved multiple Conducted awareness of noise limits in general and in the
agencies including Department Occupational Safety & Health event of excessive noise on the ferry and control of noise and
(DOSH), Department of Environment (DOE) and Port Health the use of Personal Protective Equipment.
Engagement with Prime Mover Contractor
Provided information regarding the employer’s role
Latihan Simulasi Bencana Industri Peringkat Negeri Pulau in complying with all safety regulations and the person
Pinang responsible for managing safety-related matters. Also raised
accident awareness and preventive control measures.
Conducted the emergency exercise at Prai Bulk Cargo
Terminal (Level 2) to strengthen the communication system Safety Induction for New QGC Operator
and asset assistance from all government and private Safety rules and regulations including the standard operating
agencies during a large-scale disaster. This exercise also procedures.
ensures emergency team preparedness during accidents Engagement on Work Activity System (Lift Installation)
and rescue for emergencies. Safety briefing and safety compliance of passenger lift
The exercise involved State Government of Penang, SUK, major repair works.
DOSH, DOE, Marine Department, Penang Port Commission,
Agensi Pengurusan Bencana Negara, Polis DiRaja
Malaysia, BOMBA, Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia,
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, TORAY, PETRONAS
and other government / private agencies.