Page 19 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Apr-Jun_ISSUE
P. 19

2024 APRIL - JUN ISSUE  19



           Climate Ambition Accelerator 2024 Programme (UN Global   Enhancing Pedestrian Safety through Kaikaku Kaizen
           Compact Academy)
                                                               With insights taken from a Kaikaku Kaizen event, PTP took
           PTP enrolled in the Climate Ambition Accelerator,    a bold step towards enhancing safety controls for both
           a six-month accelerator programme led by the UN Global   pedestrians and equipment within the terminal premises
           Compact Academy that is designed to equip companies   through a dedicated workshop session, bringing together
           with the knowledge and skills to accelerate progress   a diverse array of employees from various functions and
           towards net-zero emissions by 2050. Commencing      levels in a collaborative effort to innovate on this purpose.
           on 12 June 2024, participating companies gained access    This initiative is a shining example of PTP’s unwavering
           to  global  best  practices,  peer-to-peer  learning  commitment to continuous improvement and creating a safer,
           opportunities,  practical  activities,  capacity-building  more secure operational environment.
           sessions and on-demand training.

                                                     JOHOR PORT

           Safety Toolbox and Safety Moments with Various      Machinery and Equipment Joint Inspection
           Contractors and Port Users
                                                               The purpose of the joint inspection programme was to assure
           Johor Port is currently running both Safety Toolbox   management that the contractors' equipment and machinery
           Briefing and Safety Moments programmes to cultivate    can be operated safely and reliably to identify problems and
           a deep-rooted  awareness and adherence to safety on the   that the corrective actions to be taken when such problems
           premises amongst all its contractors and port users.   do occur. This programme involved various contractors
                                                               including Alam Flora Environmental Solutions, PG Enterprise
           Safety  Toolbox  Briefing  is  a  monthly  engagement  session   and Superior Machinery. The inspection also aimed to ensure
           between Johor Port management and various contractors   the machineries' optimal performance, safety and compliance
           including other port users. The programme aims to reinforce   with regulatory standards.
           safety principles, ultimately fostering a safety-centric culture
           and establishing an avenue for effective communication.     Environment and Scheduled Waste Joint Inspection
           It also aims to prevent accidents and reduce associated risks.
           Guidance is provided by the Health, Safety, and Environment   Environmental and scheduled waste joint inspections
           Section for project managers, employees and the safety team   are critical processes aimed at ensuring compliance with
           before commencing their work at the Port.           environmental regulations and promoting sustainable waste
           Safety Moments is a monthly engagement programme    management practices. These inspections are conducted
           conducted by the Port Security and Safety Department     to evaluate the handling, storage, and disposal of scheduled
           (PSSD) by sharing insights and experiences from prior   wastes, ensuring that they do not pose a threat to public health
                                                               or the environment as well as drive increased awareness
           accidents, with the aim of reducing accidents by raising   of schedule waste management for all involved.
           safety awareness within the Port. Among the participants
           of this programme were Johor Port employees, contractors,
           and port tenants.                                   Environmental Awareness Talk on Handling and Disposal
                                                               of Chemical and Clinical Waste
           U see U Act (UCUA) System Awareness                 The objective of this programme was to increase awareness
                                                               on chemical and clinical waste management which
           The UCUA Awareness Training attendees included staffs     involves Johor Port’s HSE representatives and all related
           from PSSD particularly the Security & Fire Rescue Section.
           The main goal of this session was to introduce and educate   persons in-charge who deal with chemicals in their daily
           the PSSD staff on navigating the new online UCUA system   tasks.
           effectively, equipping them with the skills to confidently use
           the system. This new system replaced the manual UCUA
           forms, enabling more organised record-keeping.
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