Page 21 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Apr-Jun_ISSUE
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Fire Prevention Measures Briefing ISO45001:2018 Internal Audit Training
Kontena Nasional Kuantan Branch has collaborated with The training was designed to equip Kontena Nasional
the Kuala Lumpur Fire Prevention Organisation to conduct employees with comprehensive knowledge and practical
an informative session on fire safety. This session provided skills necessary to effectively conduct internal audits
employees with crucial information about various fire risks of an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management
such as common workplace fire causes and preventive system per the ISO 45001:2018 standard, ensuring a safer
measures, as well as demonstrated practical skills on the work environment for all. This includes understanding
proper use of different fire extinguishers and their correct the key principles and requirements of the standard,
applications. This hands-on training ensured that employees learning how to identify and assess potential health
were well-equipped with the necessary knowledge and and safety risks, developing the ability to evaluate the
ability to handle fire emergencies. effectiveness of current safety measures, and gaining
proficiency in documenting and reporting audit findings.
Side Loader Training by Steelbro
Regular Defensive Driving Training (DDT) for the Drivers
Kontena Nasional’s drivers, commonly referred to as
Rakan Khidmat Penghantaran (RKPs), participated in a All of Kontena Nasional's RKPs regularly go through the
highly beneficial side loader training session conducted DDT to continuously improve their driving skills, reduce the
by Steelbro at Kontena Nasional's Port Klang branch. likelihood of collisions or incidents, and enhance overall road
The training provided the RKPs with in-depth knowledge, safety, which in turn helps to lower maintenance costs and
protocols, and hands-on experience in safely and efficiently fuel consumption by promoting smoother and more efficient
operating side loaders, emphasising the importance driving practices.
of precision in manoeuvring these vehicles, understanding
load limits, and implementing best practices for loading and
unloading containers. This specialised training was crucial as
handling side loaders demands meticulous attention to detail
and a strong commitment to adhering to proper operational