Page 16 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Apr-Jun_ISSUE
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Kontena Nasional Celebrates World Safety Day
Kontena Nasional Port Klang branch celebrated World Safety Day to underscore its commitment to high safety standards
as a leading logistics company. The event featured an inspiring oath recital by one of its Rakan Khidmat Penghantaran,
led by the branch manager, which highlighted their dedication to safety in daily operations. World Safety Day serves as a reminder
for Kontena Nasional regarding its critical role in establishing safety to protect its employees and stakeholders, ensuring operational
efficiency, and delivering reliable services.
Johor Port Participates in SBTi & Climate Symposium Johor Port Celebrates Hari Raya with Employees
Johor Port hosted a Hari Raya Open House themed Nostalgia
Johor Port participated in the Science Based Target Initiative Raya 2024 at Wisma Kontena, Johor Port. This celebratory
(SBTi) & Climate Symposium 2024 at Kuala Lumpur, hosted event was held to foster closer relationships among its
by UN Global Compact Malaysia & Brunei. This event aimed employees.
to address innovations related to accelerated climate action,
demonstrating how the utilisation of SBTi provides a systemic
approach and credible pathway to reducing emissions. Northport Participates in the National Labour Day
The participation of Johor Port at the symposium was part of
the ongoing effort to enhance capacity building within the
company, aiming to strengthen skills and knowledge related A total of 21 Northport employees participated in the National
to climate action. Labour Day Celebration organised by the Ministry of Human
Resources. The event, themed Pekerja Kesuma Bangsa,
was officiated by YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister
PTP Hosts Triple Festive Celebration of Malaysia.
Themed Where Diversity Meets Celebration this special event Kontena Nasional Launches Innovation Challenge
marked the festive occasions of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Hari Competition 2024
Gawai and Pesta Kaamatan, fostering a spirit of inclusivity
and appreciation for the diverse backgrounds of its staff.
The Innovation Challenge Competition 2024 was organised
The event brought over 6,000 PTP employees together in a to uncover the best ideas for innovations and solutions from
delightful atmosphere, with PTP’s CEO, senior management, its employees in terms of improving the company’s performance,
department heads and union representatives all present themed around Innovate & Transform.
to commemorate the festivities alongside the staff.
All attendees were treated to a mouth-watering spread of
traditional dishes representing the different cultures spanning PTP Participates in the National Training Week
from the Peninsula to the Borneo Island. The festive spirit
was further enlivened by captivating performances, including
the traditional Ngajat dance, the graceful Zapin and other PTP participated in the National Training Week organised by
HRD Corp as one of their strategic partners. Throughout the
forms of live entertainment.
programme, PTP offered six training courses comprising
technical port maintenance, safety, emergency response and
management skills.