Page 11 - MMC Ports Newsletter-2024_Apr-Jun_ISSUE
P. 11
21 MAY 30 MAY
Handover of Navigation Steel Buoys, Aids to Navigation The Tipper Truck Collision Emergency Drill,
System (AToNs) to Jabatan Laut Malaysia
The tipper truck collision emergency drill was conducted to assess
SPT Services Sdn Bhd (SPT Services) has been appointed by and improve the response capabilities of emergency responders
Petronas Refinery and Petrochemical Corporation Utilities & in the event of a tipper truck accident. The exercise involved a
Facilities (PRPC UF) to refurbish four units of navigation buoys realistic simulation of a collision between two tipper trucks requiring
located at Tanjung Setapa, Pengerang before the handover of a coordinated response from various emergency responders.
the buoys to Jabatan Laut Malaysia (JLM). The refurbishment Several recommendations were reached during the exercise,
works were successfully inspected and completed in including:
accordance with JLM’s specifications. • Increase the frequency of joint emergency drills to ensure all
Emergency Response Team units remain proficient.
• Invest in additional training for specialised rescue techniques and
hazardous material handling.
• Improve public awareness and education on road safety and
accident response.
23 MAY
Southern-Based MMC Subsidiaries Celebrate Jalinan
Lebaran with Customers and Stakeholders
Members of the MMC Group in the Southern region namely PTP, 28 MAY
Johor Port, Senai Airport Terminal Services Sdn Bhd and Senai Johor Port Launches FGV Palm Industries’
Airport City Sdn Bhd came together to host a festive Hari Raya Inaugural Export of Certified Palm Kernel Shells to Japan
gathering at the Renaissance Hotel, Johor Bahru for over 500
valued customers and stakeholders representing companies Johor Port witnessed FGV Palm Industries Sdn Bhd’s
and government agencies. This annual event was themed (FGVPI) maiden export of certified Palm Kernel Shells (PKS)
Jalinan Lebaran and aimed at fostering closer engagement and to Japan. The landmark event held at Johor Port marked
building relationships. the collaboration between FGVPI and GBK International
Sdn Bhd (GBKI) and showcased the efforts and dedication
The event enjoyed the presence of esteemed dignitaries, of all parties involved; highlighting the strategic role of Johor
including YB Lee Ting Han, Johor State Executive Council Member Port and GBKI in facilitating international PKS trade and
and Chairman of Investment, Trade, Consumer Affairs and Human supporting sustainable initiatives.
Resources Committee; and YB Fazli Mohamad Salleh, Johor State
Executive Council Member and Chairman of Works, Transport, The significance of this export is amplified by FGVPI recently
Infrastructure and Communications Committee, among others, receiving the prestigious Golden Green Label Certification
alongside various state and federal government officials, valued which facilitates the importation of PKS into Japan.
customers and media representatives.
29 MAY
Penang Port Receives the BrandLaureate Award
Penang Port received the prestigious BrandLaureate Fast
Moving Growing Sustainable Business & Brands Award 2024
for Excellence in Global Expansion for Maritime Logistics at a
ceremony in Kuala Lumpur. This esteemed recognition from
The World Branding Foundation solidifies Penang Port’s position
as a leader in the maritime industry, a testament to the port’s
unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainable
PTP Sets Record Throughput Without Congestion
PTP achieved a new milestone by handling a record 1,077,747
TEUs in a single month without congestion, reinforcing PTP’s
position as Malaysia’s busiest and largest transhipment
hub. This achievement is enabled through PTP’s strategic
approach to continuously enhancing efficiency and optimising
operations, with growth supported by significant emphasis on
port asset upgrades and infrastructure work as aligned with
the company’s ESG agenda, safety policies and digitalisation
strategy roadmap.
This newest milestone surpassed 2022’s game-changing
achievement, where PTP made history as the first container
terminal in Malaysia to surpass 1 million TEUs in a month,
setting a record of 1,001,819 TEUs at that time.